what a week. a bunch of my friends broke up with their girlfriends, only to go back to them a day or two later. what fools.this is their story, just lj cutted to save you're friends pages, not that any of ya'll ever read my stuff anyways.
its amazing how people break up and within a week they come running back to eachother like they're the only person in the damned world that would ever care about them. it really amazes me. this week was dubbed breakup week by adrian's mom, cuz a bunch of people broke up. from the looks of it, most of them got back together within a day and a half. i just find it to be really funny how they talk about these problems that they hated about their girlfriend so much and then feel good about being single again, only to then go running back because they changed their mind about what they said/did and want to be forgiven and have the entire event forgotten. the one thing that going out with this person will most likely wind up as an exact, if not worse demise. because dating someone again is like a rerun... like the Wonder Years. everyone remembers that show. the whole kevin and winnie thing, and the on and off relationship between them. well getting back together with your ex will pretty much give ya an episode of the wonder years. i dont know about everyone else, considering everyone loves making themselves suffer pointlessly - fuckin emo culture -, but from what i've seen, aside from the wonder years, being actual things in reality, its that going out with your ex will bring you exactly what happened the first time.
the thing that they forget is that times change, people don't. when you break up with someone its probably for a good reason, so just get over it. move on with life. there are plenty of fish in the sea. Lots of bitches and pussy cats in the pet store.