Sorry for making a third post in a row but, while I've been waiting in anticipation for X-Factor #211 spoilers, I checked out the Marvel App on my iPod Touch and discovered that the "Madrox" limited series is available for download!
Full-sized screenshots from my iPod
Wait, how does this relate to RicStar? My possibly faulty reasoning is this: More people download "Madrox" = Higher possibility of X-Factor being available too = More X-Factor readers = More X-Factor issues = More RicStar stories = More Fandom
Okay, maybe that doesn't make sense (and I'll delete this post if all of you find it too far off-topic). But I think it would be easier to get a friend hooked on X-Factor by showing them a little of "Madrox" on my iPod then handing them all of my graphic novels to read.
Happy Reading!