
Jul 23, 2007 15:05

I've got 26 28 29 Deathly Hallows quote icons from Chapters 1 through 13.

Enjoy, comment and please credit. The rest will come soon, but if you have a quote from the first 13 chapters that I didn't include, let me know!

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Comments 30

humanminute July 23 2007, 21:38:42 UTC
These were amazing bb. I'm not crediting thought, cause youre a skanky ass whore.

just kidding bb.


medici July 23 2007, 21:39:18 UTC
i LOVED the fact that merlin's _____ was the exclamation of choice. my fave was

ron: blah blah "merlin's saggy left--"
mrs. weasley: "--RON!"

incredibly, friend.


rictusempra__ July 23 2007, 23:33:58 UTC
OMG. Where is the saggy balls quote? I must have overlooked it!

I'm also looking for a quote that's not spoken, but says something to the effect of Harry thinking Ron wasn't really one to talk to anyone about using tact.


medici July 23 2007, 23:42:13 UTC
found the saggy quote -- pg. 92 about mid page. paragraph 6, starts with: "And are they getting married in my bedroom?"

i'll look for the tact one; any idea what general region? i remember it, but can't really remember the context, so it's hard to think of what chapter.


rictusempra__ July 23 2007, 23:47:14 UTC
Did you ever know that you're my hero? And "are they getting married in my bedroom" is totally making it on an icon.

I have no clue. I just remember finding it very funny. I thought it might have been in The Ghoul in Pajamas, but I didn't see it. Maybe it's later on.


trowicia July 23 2007, 22:02:19 UTC
Snagging some and will credit when used. Thanks! :)


cinandtonic July 23 2007, 22:44:52 UTC
"Give me your chair, I'm 107" OMG that line killed me!

I'll be coming back to snag some :)


rictusempra__ July 23 2007, 23:34:44 UTC
I know. I freakin' loved Aunt Muriel. LOL. I'm just going to start commanding people to do things for me and adding "I'm a hundred and seven" at the end.


flamefairy5 July 23 2007, 22:53:19 UTC
Snagged the Merlin's Pants one! I've been looking for one so when I saw it a squeed and clapped with joy.


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