Neo Genesis Vol.30 - Kagrra, x Gazette Interview - Part 2/4

Nov 15, 2008 18:12

Here's the second part. :D It's not as interesting as the first (imho), but it's still got some good laughs and interesting stories. And have I mentioned that Reita is hilarious? xD; I love his sense of humour so much. <3

Scans are from the wonderful rawkstarr23. Thank you~!!

Neo Genesis Vol.14
Kagrra, x Gazette Interview

Part 2/4

---Are there any stories between the four of you that get you fired up?

Nao: I wonder. But when someone goes on the radio show Kai does (Gazette Kai's Premium Radio), don't you get the feeling that you can see them? When that happens, it kind of gets to me 1. And I get to know who Kai is.

---Nao, what type of person do you see Kai as?

Nao: A really teased person. (laugh) I'm sure Kai himself has a lot of drawers, but he should try and open them 2.

Kai: I open them pretty freely with Nao. (laugh)

Nao: Kai asked me to be on his radio show, but at first, Izumi and I turned down the offer. (laugh)

Reita: Ahahaha. He got rejected. (laugh)

Kai: (laugh) No, that's not it. Originally, I was featured on their radio show at the last minute and when I was talking, I quickly said "Well, next time, please come on my show" kind of to myself, but I was really enthusiastic about it. Then when I asked them again, they were like "What!? You were being serious?" (laugh)

Izumi & Nao: (laugh)

Kai: And, if I had to, I suggested the rhythm sections, with our Reita.

Reita: What do mean "if I had to"!? (laugh)

Nao: That's right. I couldn't tell the story properly.

Kai: (bitter laugh) No, no, that's fine. But when we finally tried organising it, I ended up going on their show again. But the ratings were good.

---Primarily, what are the most exciting thing about doing a radio show?

Kai: Well just talking, like we are now. Although my show goes for 2 hours, sometimes I talk for 2 1/2 hours and I'd like to continue doing it next year.

Nao: What? (laugh)

Izumi: Hahahaha.

Nao: If you're planning that, then please, Reita doesn't want to be a guest. (laugh)

Reita: No, I want to go, but I heard a rumour that those two really don't want to be guests. (laugh)

Kai: It's alright. Even if you don't want to go, you really should go for me. (laugh)

---(laugh) Against their wills.

Kai: Yeah, but we're good friends like this. Joking around and stuff.

Nao: The 4 of us being together is fun. But Reita and Kai surprisingly hit each other 3. Sometimes I hit Reita though. When I talk really fast.

Reita: And whenever I think how I should hit you back, I end up hitting you heaps. (laugh)

Nao: That's because when Kai hits me, I even don't notice. (laugh)

Kai: That's right. You're like "what just happened?" Reita always picks it up. Both the bassists get along well.

Nao: But I made Reita angry once.

Reita: (blushes) What..? When was this?

Nao: For my birthday this year, Reita sent me a "happy birthday" message. But, well this isn't an excuse, but... (laugh)

Reita: Your excuse will start from now. (laugh)

Nao: This is no excuse, but (putting emphasis on it) I ran into a little trouble with my phone and changed my number. And I wanted to tell you when I saw you, but when I saw you, you looked really sad. And you were like "Nao, did you change your number?" (laugh), sounding like you wanted to argue, so I was like "Oh, shit!"

Reita: But didn't I even put a little candle emoticon at the end of the "happy birthday?" (laugh)

---(teary) You even put an emoticon in.

Reita: And my message was sent back to me, just as I sent it. I was like "Huh?"

Nao: Yeah... I've really thought about that time. But going back to our topic, I've been asked to go on Kai's and Reita's radio shows..... and I think those two have really grown. Judging from their talks.

Reita: Seriously?

Nao: I thought the same of Kai when I went on his "Premium Radio" before.

Izumi: You fumble with all your might right from the beginning. (laugh) You do those sorts of things, too.

Kai: (bitter laugh) I don't really want to change.

Nao: And I never thought that Reita would progress to a radio show. I thought that Kai would be a lot more suited to it. (laugh)

Kai: That guy has a proper progression checklist. (laugh)

Nao: No, that's not it. I didn't want to criticise his progress.

Kai: (laugh) Let's change the topic already.

Nao: (ignores) Reita overlooks nonsense, and I never knew he could speak that smoothly.

---He doesn't fumble with his words?

Nao: No, he doesn't.

Reita: Thank you very much.

Nao: You don't fumble, but your voice is just one tone. (laugh)

Reita: Like I'm reading my progression checklist? (cracks up)

Nao: No, no, you have a lot of passion. Sometimes, when you're speaking earnestly, you cut off the singnal. (laugh)

Reita: (laugh)



Notes: (there were quite a few this time >_<)
1 Nao means this in a good way, like it touched his heart. I can't really use that wording though because it's too strong in this context.
2 For some reason, Nao used metaphoric drawers to describe Kai's retorts or comebacks here. So when he says Kai should open drawers, he means use a comeback.
3 This isn't malicious hitting; it's tsukkomi. I guess only those of you with knowledge of Kansai comedy would know what that is though. xD; Tsukkomi is hitting someone over the head when they make a mistake or say something stupid. It also refers to butting in or retorting when someone says something stupid. All these things don't really have distinct names in English and so the word is very hard to translate with the intended nuance. In fact, it's usually just left as the word "tsukkomi" when the general meaning of the word is understood by the audience.

Discussion Topic: Erm, I didn't really have one planned. =P But seeing as I didn't know about Reita's radio show until I translated this part, it shall be "What are your thoughts on Reita's radio show?" Is Reita really a good host like Nao says, or is he just the idiot we all know and love? xD Also, what kind of things does he talk about? Ok, so that's really me just asking, but I'm curious now =( *goes off to find it and download~*

reita, neo genesis, kai

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