(no subject)

Aug 22, 2009 07:05

Age: 16-17? HAHAHA let's. gloss this over.
Height: 5'7" according to official stats, but he's also way taller than Akito, who's only three inches shorter. So maybe he grew?
Weight: I'm sure there is a weight.
Medical Info: Strong, wiry, a capable fighter, but not that capable. He can lift Rin without trying, but that's ... Rin.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White on top, blackish gray on bottom (underneath). And it's all natural.
Physical traits: Very lax way of carrying himself, like he's sprawling a lot of the time or lazily moving around. Has earrings and a tattoo on his left arm!

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Let's leave the Haru finding out about why Rin broke up with him to what happens in character, okay? Thusly, probably to the cast itself. Anything about knowing about the curse should be handled as it tends to be, though I don't know how much that is common knowledge by now and will surely be informed.

Abilities: He draws cows to him! How useful. Also, when hugged, he can turn into a cow. If you're of the opposite sex, that is. And not one of the twelve or Akito.

Notes for Psychics: Hatsuharu's head is an interesting place, because of the fact of the two sides of his personality. The mangaka makes it clear that the black side is a constant in his personality, and when it takes over, he is fully aware that it is happening and therefore, there isn't a complete and total separation between the two entities. However, the "black" is undoubtedly there as a protection mechanism, because as a kid, he was called stupid and made to feel like crap (oh, the life of a Sohma) and formed the other half while under pressure.

Typically, with Haru, you'll notice the more calm, dominant part of him, who thinks a lot about his family, but specifically, two people: Rin and Yuki. Yuki is a little off to the side since he's started to stand on his own two legs and is starting to actually see his worth. He's making friends and Haru is encouraging him toward that. Rin, however, is a constant. But these aren't the only two. He's surprisingly observant of the area around him while having some immediate and dominant quirks. His logic doesn't always piece together, and while sometimes, he seems to have a strange approach to things (connecting A to G instead of A to B), he also has a tendency to be fully aware of the strange crap that comes out of his mouth. A simple way of describing this would be eccentric. He's thoughtful, pensive, putting things together while seemingly detached and not paying attention. He look out for his family and his loved ones, and wants the best. He does have the ability to plan and put things together. This is all important to keep in mind, psychic-wise, because his head is a strange place.

The white Haru will always be present, as much as the more violent, domineering, other half of his personality: black Haru.

Described as unnecessarily violent, black Haru is a lot more direct. It doesn't mean he's without thought or the capability of thought, because he's able to drag someone into a closet to show him his pubic hairs. But he's more direct, less spacey, handling things in a manner that is seemingly completely contradictory to his usual self while completely in tune with it (once again, white Haru is capable of planning and paying attention and knowing what to do; the black-version is just a lot more abrasive about it). The black half thinks rough and directly, and is mostly prone to wanting to beat your face in or bringing out the best reaction in you (flirting and badtouching sometimes happens in this stage).

Keep in mind that these are not separate PERSONALITIES. Black is white is black is white.

In order to bring out the black side, he needs to be aggravated, stressed, or put into a position where he feels threatened (or other people feel threatened). Sometimes, he can slip into black mode because he's sad and thinking too much. Basically, Haru is a teenager, and despite all the stresses and annoyances of being a Sohma, he is a teenager at his core.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Very much ask, but keep in mind that any major violence leads to the black half.

Maim/Murder/Death: Yes, but I don't want to enter something like this lightly.
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