heh. for a minute there, i thought the lords of LJ had removed me cuz i ignored them. nah. i just couldn't remember where the underscore goes in my username... now THAT is a sad and pathetic tale of inability to use those internets! or else a comment on my long-term memory?
yay! my teaching license finally came in the mail! and though i'm not yet being recompensed for my work in accordnace with my training - i emphasize the YET - i AM getting more hours at the current lowly rate, AND i actually have some professional development to show for going to some adminstrator's conference.
apparently there are people in the business world who do for companies what adult education does for the masses that come to classes. these people use that ubiquitous term "consultant" while doing the same things we adult educators do; the difference is that the consultant does adult basic education on-site at various companies, and gets paid ten times as much as us lowly "teachers". yes, viriginia, TEN TIMES teacher pay. sure, they use and adapt for instructional purposes whatever company propaganda and instruction manuals the company needs their under-educated and sometimes barely literate employees to be able to use while working... but once the company materials are thus adapted into a "curriculum", said "consultant" has a new intellectual property, which s/he can ALSO charge the company when it wants to own said property to use on later undereducated employees.
and the best thing about it is that though there are adult educators approaching business and industry about their employee productivity and safety and how it can be bettered through being able to RTFM... there is NOBODY doing this in the southern part of our lovely state! so, that means *I* can be the one to do so! my boss agrees to this additional freelance option, and in fact there's already a business in spencer which is interested... no doubt it won't be at the exorbitant 10x rate, but i believe there's places outside of poverty-stricken owen county wher ei could be paid commensurate with other such consultants.
so that's pretty damn exciting. also, i get business cards! yep, i'm the learning network's "adult education advocate" which is another term for "girl friday of adult education" only more politically correct. i even get a desk in the office - how exciting - and will have "office hours."
hopefully this means i'll have even more regular internet access. still no dice on the rural access promised by SBC or any other provider of broadband. one day! and meantime i'll write down my LJ username in case i ever am absent for so long again that i forget...
here's wishes for everyone's holiday of choice to be merry, bright, warm, and cheery! the longest night has at last passed, and the return of the sun gives me great glee. it's practically a heat wave today!