i didn't even know there was such a thing as an LJ nudge - but thanks to those who look at the ramblings here and remind me that they're overdue for update.
there hasn't been a lot worth putting out there to share lately, but last week owen county garden club held their (likely last, due to failure to participate) annual county clean-up in which there're cash prizes for most bags of trash picked up along the roads. mom and i picked up 18 bags in about 6 hours, on less than two miles of the road we live on (or off, as the case may be.) i admit that some of the trash came from my neighbor's yard, but hey, it beautified MY neighborhood, so i don't think it was cheating. i STILL don't know if we won first place of $100 or not, despite the fact that the prizes were announced saturday... the people at the recycling and trash place were unaware of WHERE the announcement was made, so i missed it. still, when we turned in our last bags, there had been a total of 14 from another person as the high mark, so i think 18 beats that.
but the main thing is that our road looks cleaner. we live 2.5 miles down it from where it turns off 46W, and we tried to get the whole stretch, but it took a toll on our spines quickly. and the most annoying thing is that we did 3 hours in the morning - then i taught class - and we returned to finish - AND THERE WAS ALREADY NEW TRASH WHERE WE HAD BEEN. a bag of obvious car trash, tied and tossed... most of what we found was that, fast food trash, and beer and liquor bottles. are the passengers drinking and tossing, i want to know, or the drivers? are they trying to hide amount of consumption or something? WHY DO PEOPLE TOSS THINGS OUT THEIR CAR WINDOWS??? can't you make it home to where the trash is???? do you really think littering is okay???!!!
and, of course, voting yesterday was entertaining. one of the two unconstitutional, non-voting-proof-providing, new electronic, allowing The Man to cheat at will without any sign left behind, MicroVote machines had not been informed of the time change, and so wasn't scheduled to wake up until 7am rather than the 6am that the polls open. since me mom and cat-sidh went to vote early so the latter could get to work at the ungodly early hour to which she is accustomes, we had to wait in a longer line than you might think would exist at 6:20AM on a mid-term election day. and the natives were cranky that so many democrats were out so damn early. sigh.
i sure hope the lot of you got out there to cast your vote, for what it's worth in this fascist foolery they call a democracy; after all, it's one of the last vestiges of the democratic representative federalist republic in which we all so enjoy living...