this is noteworthy.
driving down the blvd on my way home from work, i'm doing my usual air guitar routine. there's a black neon next to me with a black guy behind the wheel. nothing unusual. i make the turn onto my street and notice that this guy comes to a complete stop as well. on the blvd. he makes a quick right into the car dealership at the end of my street, turns onto my street, and sees me parked in the middle of the road, wiating to see what this guy is trying to pull. he acts like he's going to leave -- pulling up to the corner waiting for non-existant traffic to die down. about a minute later he puts it in reverse and makes a U turn to come down the street. at this point i give the car a good amount of gas as i make my way to the church. i do a quick right behind some busses and turn my lights off. i can see his lights turning into the chuch parking lot. i move to a slow crawl, trying to time it just right so that i can dart back down my street unseen while he makes his loop around the parking lot. me being uncoordinated, fail in my attempt. he sees me, pulls up, window's down and asks, "yo man, you got any tree?". i say, "what? tree?". and that's when he says, "you know man, tree?", as if repeating it will somehow jog my memory. ya sure man, i got some chronic tree. i tell him no, and he says it's his bad and drives off. i floor it down a neighboring street and park in someone elses driveway for 15 min until i'm relatively sure he's gone. i head back to the house and make sure that the first thing i do, after locking all the doors, is update my LJ to keep a record of this event. and to give you readers something humorous and different to read.
i finished choke, and have started on invisible monsters. i also want to kill my boss
see also: equal parts gasoline and frozen OJ concentrate
see also: equal parts gasoline and diet cola
see also: cat litter disolved in gasoline
all are equally effective
see also: chuck influence