Because I still test the water, so I try to write a short story.
I want it to be cute but maybe this turn out flat.. 😢
But please enjoy. (Me trying to revive my Yamachii feeling..^^)
Let's hear their story..
# The announcement #
(Yuri's POV)
When Ryosuke suddenly said that he wanted to marry me. I suddenly lost my soul,
After all this time, we always hide our relationship.
And now he want our effort going to vain.
Out of the blue he said that the time when our life end wasn't decided by us. That what he said and that word too which make me freeze to death. Why he must bringing death now??? When he decided to marry me...??
So, I just keep quiet and run...leave him by himself.
It's not that I don't want to.
But, I am not sure if the world will accept this. Our relationship isn't the normal one, so the wedding too. No one will said this is a normal wedding..
When I was arrived at home I just cried hard, three days straight I cried and after that I decided that if we can't control when our live end. I must decided how my life destination end.
I want to marry Ryosuke..
"Ryosuke, let's just married.."
I know he cried too, when I leave him without a word. Ryosuke run to kiss me after I say that and said thank you
I kiss him back.
And we cried again, together...
The announcement is so simple. It's look like our management not really surprised with our coming out. They must be known this thing will coming even we try to hide everything, they still known that we would coming out. The first thing they do is telling our story in every magazine and that's the beginning of all this, wedding story..
the article of our love story will look like this
# The preparation #
(Ryosuke's POV)
The preparation is so difficult we always fighting before deciding what we want. In the end it's always Yuri who will be the winner of course.
It's okay though if I'm lost because when he is happy I will get my own gift which is his beautiful smile it's worth the whole world. Now you all know the reason why I always lost to him..😂 (even truthfully I'm not good at a lot of things too..)
Yuri want us to have an engagement before the wedding. I'm against it at first, but when he said his reason is to make our family's bound more tight. I can't reject it...
So it's double preparation and it looks stressfull because in the end I'm give up with all this preparation. I leave everything to my Yuri. He will report me with the detail but I already believe him.. So I never decline his decision.
We wear traditional event when it's engagement
The decorations will looks like this :
And for the real wedding this is the decorations :
I know, I know you all want to know why is it pink with the cherry blossom and all. That's what make us have a big fight. But like I said I already give up.. Anyway we are gay so it's not that weird to have colorful wedding. It's beautiful like Yuri though, the color and flowers and I want he look beautiful in our wedding of course....
*To Be Continue*