When the Cambrian measures were forming, They promised perpetual peace.
They swore, if we gave them our weapons, that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed They sold us and delivered us bound to our foe,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: "Stick to the Devil you know."
Rudyard Kipling, 1919
Они в Кембрийскую смуту нам сулили покой и мир,
Возвестив: сложите оружие, и сойдемся на братский пир!
А когда мы сложили оружие, нас схватили и продали в рабы;
И Азбучные боги сказали: Всяк - виновник своей судьбы.
Пер. М.Л.Гаспарова
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