Sometimes I say the stupid things
I think
I mean, I- sometimes think the stupidest things
Do you ever wonder
How the girl feels
Was gonna bitch n' rant, but I didn't feel like it so HAVE A MEME!
And some song lyrics
1. Do you like anyone?: No
2. Do they know it?: who?
3. Simple or complicated?: simple..?
IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U
4. Bought something: yeah |:
5. Gotten sick?: No! Unless an ear infection counts
6. Been hugged?: Yeah
7. Felt stupid?: Hmm, I've felt OTHER people were stupid
8. Talked to an ex?: god, no
9. Missed someone: yes and it pisses me off
10. Failed a test: not in the last month, ahahaha
11. Danced: sure
12. Gotten your hair cut?: no DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR WITH YOUR CUTTY THINGS >:T
13. Lied: it was for their own good
14. Nervous habits?: I chip my nail polish
15. Are you double jointed? No ew
16. Can you roll your tongue?: yep
17. Can you raise one eyebrow? not one at a time
18. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes
19. Do you make your bed daily?: lol
20. Do you think you are unique?: yes
H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S
21. Said "I Love you": Yeah, duh
22. Given money to a homeless person: no ahhh go away
23. Waited all night for a phone call?: yes...
24. Snuck out?: nope
25. Sat and looked at the stars?: yes c: even a meteor shower
26. Do you swear/curse?: FUCK
27. Do you ever spit?: ew what
28. You cook your own food?: not if I don't have to
29. You do your own chores?: yeah
30. You like beef jerky?: uh, sometimes?
31. You're happy with your life?: could be better. ....much better.
32. You own a dog?: two!
33. You spend your money wisely?: pffh, nah
34. Do you like to swim?: I live at the beach during summer
35. When you get bored do you call a friend?: no
D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S
36. Flowers or angels?: haha what the fuck?
37. Gray or black?: black
38. Colour or black and white photos?: depends
39. Lust or love?: Both, but lately I've only been dealing with the former.
40. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
41. M&Ms or Skittles?: both
42. Staying up late or waking up early?: STAYIN UP EARLY
43. Hot or cold?: hot
44. Winter or Fall?: Fall
45. Left or right?: Right
46. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: 2 friends
47. Sunshine or rain? I like rain only because it's basically sunshine year round here
M O R E - H A V E - Y O U - E V E R S
48. Slept in a bed of the opposite sex?: Yes.
49. Hooked up in the woods?: yes
50. Hooked up in the shower?: yes
51. Been asked out?: Yes
52. Stolen money from a friend?: No
53. Slept naked?: yes
54. Been in a fist fight?: or two...
55. Snuck out of your house?: deja vu
56. Had a crush on a teacher?: eugh no
57. Seen someone die?: DEAD BODIESSSSSSSSS
58. Been on an airplane? Many many times. ....Now Im terrified of them though ahhaa :I
59. Slept all day?: yeah
60. Missed someone so much it hurt?: yeah...
61. Fallen asleep during school?: only once or twice
62. Been lonely?: hahahahaha hahaha haaa /wrist
63. Cheated in a game?: Yes
64. Been to the ER?: Many times
65. Been in a car accident?: Car? Not really anything serious. KEEP IT THAT WAY.
66. Had detention?: No, though I should have many times...hehehe
67. Cried yourself to sleep?: 6n6 yeah
68. Sung in the shower?: of course
69. Kissed a complete stranger?: no ew augh why would you do that
70. Laughed so hard you cried?: yeah
71. Regretted hurting someone?: if I hurt someone they deserve it
72. Regretted loving someone?: no. Im glad I had the experiences.
73. Been SUPER happy?: back in the day
-First thing you wash in the shower?
- What color is your favorite hoodie?
uhhh black
- Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
um....I don't think so...
- Do you plan outfits?
No and I still look fukkin rad
- How are you feeling RIGHT now?
- Who was the last person you kissed?
my ex
- Person before that?
uh this one dude I was friends with i think
- What are you craving right now?
punching someone in the face. Two people, actually. Fukkin dicks.
- What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
....a cabbage?
- Do you make prank calls?
- Ever hooked up with some one out of state?
Haahaha you ass
- Do you sleep with any stuffed animals?
- Would you dance to the taco song?
no thats retarded I want to hurt you for saying that
- Have you ever counted to 1,000?
- Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
- Do you like anyone right now?
- What do you think of crickets?
annoying as fuck when they get in my room
- Have you ever met a celebrity?
- Do you like cottage cheese?
- What are you listening to right now?
Franz Ferdinand
- Would you go sky diving?
Nooo Im....Im good...
- Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
- Would you throw potatoes at him?
- Is there anything sparkly on you?
bracelet, but it's getting dull
- Do you rent movies often?
- Who sits behind you in your math class?
- Can you count backwards from 74?
no probably not
- Who are you going to be with tonight??
- Brown or white egg?
both are the same. My chikens lay a variety of eggs :)
- Ever been on a train?
- Ever told someone you loved them?
- Do you have a cell phone?
- Are you a virgin?
- Any kids?
No, god
- What is your best friend doing tomorrow?
uh idk
- Ever had cream puffs?
yep. they're awesome.
- Ever had Breaded Shrimp?
ew shrimp
- Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
- What was the last question you asked?
- What was the last CD you bought?
- What is/was your bus number for school?
I never took the filthy peasant bus.
- Is your hair curly?
- Last time you cried?
Uh....I don't remember
- Ever walked into a wall?
- Ever walked UP a wall?
- Have you ever bought anything from PacSun?
I don't think so
- What's your favorite number?
don't got one
- Favorite colors?
I LIKE THEM ALL okay like red, limey-yellow, purple...
- Do you have any piercings?
- Do you have any tattoos?
- Who was the last person you held hands with?
um....crap I don't know!
- Do you sleep with the TV on?
- Do you like your life right now?
- How do you feel about 'love'?
It's nice, when it lasts
- What is your favorite animal?
idk I like them all
- Do you have good vision?
- Can you hula hoop?
- Could you ever forgive a cheater?
I have, I don't think I will again
- Do you have a job?
- What are you wearing?
- What does your hair look like?
- Ever climbed out a window?
- Can you handle the truth?
Yeah I definately can
- What was the most recent thing you bought?
song on itunes
- How often do you talk on the phone?
Hardly ever
- What's the longest you talked to someone on the phone?
a couple hours
- Do you hate/dislike more than 3 people?
- Are you sarcastic?
- Have you ever slapped someone?
A few people. They deserve it. I'd slap a few more if I had the means.
- Do looks matter?
- Do you use chapstick?
- Are you too forgiving?
- Do you own something from Hot Topic?
yeah lol
- Do you own a gun?
a couple
- Where are you located?
My bed
- Have you ever been in a castle?
a few
- Do you like your hair?
Yeah its AWESOME
- Do you like yourself?
usually, yes, very much
- When was the last time you talked on AIM?
- Random statement.
fuck you
- What are you doing today?