Just getting over a nasty bout of the flu this week and a HUGE fight with Boy. I was insanely excited for the new Supernatural last night, but...
I am so disappointed. I didn't *hate* it, but it felt like a silly filler ep in a regular, 22 ep season. Not the first of only four left, when so much is left hanging. My main problem is that, after such a long hiatus, I needed some major SamnDean screen time and didn't get it. I don't have a problem with the storyline, they just spent too much time on the team's silliness (which I didn't even find that funny). I admit Boy and I did laugh out loud at Dean flipping off the camera in the credits, the Ghostfacers get-psyched chant thingy (it's even funnier when Boy does it, it may not die in my houshold for a looooong time....). I also giggled a little at Dean swearing, but I will admit it did feel off. I do think that the boys would talk that way, even though I'm not a fan of foul language at all, but it made the rest of the show seem less real to have them do it only during a "reality" tv show. So in every other episode of the last three seasons SamnDean were "performing" for network tv? Watching their mouths as to not get bleeped? Takes away from the experience for me.
Other random things:
I love the continuity with the Impala--that car is both Boy and I's dream car (I've wanted one since I was 13) and we recognized the engine immediately, way before it pulled up in front of the house. Nice touch. I have had a lot of issues with my husband lately, but I do appreciate that he is such a fanboy and really gets into tv with me--and for the most part we laughed at the same parts and had problems with the same parts of this ep.
The main camera dude sounded too much like Sam. I thought I was imagining it, out of wishful thinking, but Boy noticed and was annoyed too. The camera work was confusing enough without knowing who was speaking or in a scene.
Again, not enough SamnDean. I just can't imagine the logic behind putting this ep up first after hiatus. People are looking for stuff to watch after the strike, and if someone new decided to give this show a chance last night? I bet they didn't make it to the first commercial break before switching to Grey's. I've really been talking this show up to a lot (read: anyone who will listen to my incessant obsessive babbling) of RL people and I can't imagine any of them continuing to watch if last night was the first ep they tried. This makes me sad. The creators could have easily cut out half of the Ghostfacer-team stuff, put in some SamnDean interaction, and had an excellent episode.
I'm sure I will think of more, but I am anxious to read the reactions of the rest of my flist!