
Nov 25, 2002 19:14

they day after trevor gets home from tour hes flying here for over 2 weeks yay yay yay yayyyyy and accompanying him will be my little Bella woooweee!!!!!!!!!

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Comments 9

seveng November 25 2002, 17:36:14 UTC
Sweet zombie Jesus! When is this? Maybe I can finish telling him my Jesus jokes....


rightaboutnow November 25 2002, 22:07:40 UTC
looks like you guys are just going to miss eachother. but you know i'm up for baby jesus jokes any old time!


seveng November 25 2002, 22:12:58 UTC
Oooohhh! I never thought of combining Jesus jokes and Baby jokes, until just now....

You are my new messiah!


rightaboutnow November 26 2002, 00:12:21 UTC
just call me jehova


socialpurgatory November 25 2002, 23:22:38 UTC
Bella. <333333. You are too lucky.


rightaboutnow November 26 2002, 00:11:33 UTC
i know! shes the best! and that trevor guy that comes along with her is okay too i guess


myfriendepicac November 25 2002, 23:49:21 UTC
dude, that trevor dork is such a dick. pfffhhh! can i get a woot woot!!!


seveng November 26 2002, 07:34:17 UTC
w00t w00t, dick.



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