Permission Post

Sep 23, 2011 00:12

Philip, as per canon, has access to the Planetary Bookshelves, which are the collective knowledge of the Earth itself. Philip has a blank book he uses as an interface (note that this is more a focus, as he has entered the Bookshelves without it), and once in the Bookshelves Philip can look up any information that he wants, although because the Bookshelves are so massive, looking up anything specific requires him to have the appropriate Keywords to narrow down the search.

As an example (albeit with very specific Keywords) of how it works, watch this video. (Note that there are spoilers as to upgrades that W gets)

Now, since this basically boils down to info-modding, limitations have been put into place to avoid this as much as possible. Basically, these are the limits:

1) Keywords: As in canon, Philip needs Keywords to narrow down the results. He cannot freely access non-random information without Keywords. Note that Keywords may be abstract or specific. The more specific a Keyword (name, date, etc), the more specific the information he can access.

2) Earth's Memory: Because it is the Earth’s Memory, only information relating to the Earth can be accessed. If it originated from or occurred on Earth, he can find it, but not if it is from space. This isn't to say that non-Earth canons are complete blanks to him, he might find reference to things (provided they've been on the Earth at some point), but the information isn't going to be much.

3) Locked Information/Permissions: To avoid infomodding other players, Philip has this post, where information Philip cannot/cannot yet access can be discussed and appropriate security placed on it.

It is generally assumed that Philip can access at least basic information on other characters (name, country of origin, etc), but permission will be asked for anything further/more specific. Anything other than basic information requires the appropriate keywords to look up.

If there is any specific information that you would prefer to have locked and/or missing, please reply here, and we can work out how and why Philip is unable to access it.

There are two versions of Locked Information. Locked Information generally are things that the information is unavailable and/or purposefully kept from Philip.

The first version comes in the form of locked books. In canon, Philip found a locked book regarding a dance move, which was locked because the only pair who could perform it were not speaking to (and therefore performing with) each other. When the pair reconciled, he was able to open the book and learn of the dance move.

The second version works more as a security feature of the Library (placed there by an unknown person and/or entity). In canon, Philip attempted to research Sonozaki Ryuube, the Museum, himself, and related subjects, and was either forcibly ejected from the Library or surrounded by exploding books, keeping him from the information. Later, Sonozaki Wakana removed the security on these books, allowing him access.

Missing Information comes in the form of pages missing or torn from books. In canon, when Philip attempted to research his family, something that had been erased from his own memories, he found that the pages of the book had been torn out, preventing him from accessing it.

Please reply here with the information, why it should/needs to be locked/missing, or just hard to access, and we can work out the details on why it is locked/missing, what would happen or what Philip would find if he attempted to access it, and the circumstances under which Philip may be able to break the security on the information.


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