Once again I wake up and no one's home. I think I'll go to Borders or Best Buy or something. Buy In Cold Blood or Like Water for Chocolate. Maybe I'll go buy Hedwig.
I want to write about how much it really fucking sucks that Felix isn't talking to me because she doesn't like Brandon. I was going to bitch and complain but now that I'm writing, it's really not worth the time
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Amazing, how it works, wouldn't you say? I let my guard down and wrapped myself in you. I'm not regretting it at all. I can still smell you. You're wonderful.
I have a vagina. I have two eyes, two ears two arms, two legs. I will not spread for just anyone. I will become a victim of the man. I will not take your shit. Be true or leave.
Tomorrow is prom. I'm not completely looking forward to it. The drama will commense.