Title: "And A Borrowed Car"
earzwideopenRating: PG-13
Warnings: None, except for discussions of canon character death and grieving
Pairing/Genre: Gen
Word Count: 4,728
Spoilers: General stuff through the top of Season 4
Summary: AU. "There were gray specks floating in the black sky on the evening Castiel first saw the boy." Pre-and-mid-series
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Comments 2
OK so you know I'm drunk and also I am writing this on my phone because my computer is on the fritz AGAIN, but OH Easter egg hospital papers and birthday cake and puberty!Jimmy (being young enough to almost be Dean's peer leave me) and time fuckery and BUNDLE SAMMY and ugh more coherencey later but this is perfect and amazing forever and ever amen
HELP IS ON THE WAY. Figuratively speaking. Hooray hooray hooray! :D
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