- 10:20 @ leopard_cap It's Saturday, a good day to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS, GIRL!!!!! #
- 20:52 In Wheaton waiting for fireworks to start. Not with the groups, about a mile away on the downtown garage roof. #
- 21:02 Lunch sugar was nearly 500. Dinner, 60. Hate. #
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Jul 03, 2010 02:01
- 13:29 Comic Sans - LOL ow.ly/26q8f #
- 15:05 @ leopard_cap Did you take your vitamins today? I did! Wahoo! #wls #
- 18:11 Decided today to set up a new site for freelance work. I don't plan to do a ton, but maybe some interesting stuff will come up. #
- 20:20 @ warlick i will be contacting you to see if you wanna be part of the "team". #
- 20:21 @ warlick
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Jul 02, 2010 02:01
- 08:42 To the dumb bitch puking all over my train and causing us to evac the car and stand: fuck you Stay home if you are sick! #
- 13:35 Feeling just horrible today. Sugar reading at lunch: "hi". Which means over 600. Breakfast was only 164. 5 more days to endo appt. #
- 13:45 @ beffarooo I feel miserable. And no, it was the soonest I could get.
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Jul 01, 2010 02:02
- 10:46 Ugh. High sugar again today. Just feel like crap. 6 days to endo appt. #
- 11:55 Blood sugar update: 464. Explains why I feel like crap/want a nap. #
- 15:54 Congratulations, Woot! ow.ly/25sud #
- 16:08 @ DondraUK pre-surg, hubs and I did the Atkins shakes 2x a day, sf popsicles and sf jello for snacks and protein and non-starch veg @ 1 meal #
- 16
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Jun 29, 2010 02:01
- 09:57 Morning blood sugar: 503. 7 days to endo appt. It can't come soon enough. #
- 09:59 @ themikemaxwell Agreed on those notes re "I am comic". #
- 10:28 Yes, WE WIN! ow.ly/24d1l #
- 11:18 Feeling horrible today. Between blood sugar and horrible breakout, I feel and look like a monster. #
- 11:20 @ babybird11182 That's your dad's job. Your job, is to
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Jun 27, 2010 02:02
- 13:23 Hubby got a new jacket! LARGE Tall. 8mo ago he was a 5xlt So proud of him! #
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Jun 25, 2010 02:01
- 13:49 Today I've learned that fixing a copier apparently takes a shit ton of vacuuming. #
- 21:40 Seriously fuck this blood sugar stuff. 39? Fuck. I just want to cry. #
- 22:01 Right now I hate my body. Why did I bother with #wls. #
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