Just some ranting. Please feel free to ignore.
So I went to see my orthopedic specialist yesterday, since my back has been bothering me. He took an x-ray and measured the curve in my back to see if it had increased any. Last year, the curve was 43 degrees (gross, I know). This year, it's pretty much the same, so he gave me some exercises to loosen up my hamstrings, since that's probably why my back is bothering me, and he sent me on my way. No surgery required, so no big deal.
But of course, I have to get the lectures from my mom. Now, I get these every time I go to see my doctor, so normally I don't mind. But this time, in addition to the "You have to sit up straight!" and "You'd better do those exercises or else!" lectures all night, I got the "You need to lose weight!" lecture. The nurses at the hospital measured and weighed me, and my mom insisted on taking notes so that she can measure how much I've grown. I'm 5'6" and I weigh 121 pounds. "You've gained five pounds from last year!" I have not. I have gained one. "The ideal weight for someone your height is 115! No, wait, it's 110!" First of all, get your story straight. Is it 115 or 110? And second of all, I just looked it up, and the ideal weight for my height is 130. My recommended weight range is 123 to 154. "You're got a double chin!" Um, last I checked, I didn't.
Normally I don't really obsess about my weight or dieting, but I cannot stand it when my own mother starts making snide remarks about my body.
Only 23 more days...