Title: My Kitty Pet (Epilogue)
Author: riina8chi
Pairing: YamaChii
Rating: PG-13
Genre: fluff, romance, fantasy
Summary: How is their happy ever after like…?
Yamada placed a sigh of relief as he closed a fairytale book. He put it on a table and looked inside a small bed where a cute little boy with ears was fast asleep.
‘‘You’re so cute.’’ He gently smiled caressing the boy’s smooth cheek with his finger.
‘‘Just like your mama.’’ His smile widened by thinking about his boyfriend.
‘‘Papa! Papa!’’ four little Cupundruses ran happily into the room where he was. Yamada turned around and placed his finger on his lips ‘‘Shhh’’ then he knelt down.
The Cupundruses lowered their voices and copied their father by placing their fingers on their lips.
‘‘Your brother is asleep, don’t wake him up.’’ Yamada said whispering and the fellows giggled.
‘‘Where is mama?’’ he continued.
‘‘In the kitchen~’’ a little boy closest to Yamada pointed back at a door referring direction of the kitchen. The father smiled and ruffled the boy’s hair whose eyes were close.
He then stood up and walked to the kitchen where his boyfriend was and like a tail, the kids followed him.
Yuri was preparing warm milk for his children before they’d go to bed. He checked the temperature with his lower lip and afterwards poured it into four small bottles. While doing this, Yamada approached him from behind and wrapped his hands around his waist, and rested his head on Yuri’s shoulder.
‘‘Need help?’’ he asked as he placed a soft kiss on Yuri’s neck.
‘‘No, I’m fine.’’ The latter responded.
‘‘Umm…’’ Yamada pout his lips and placed few more kisses on the latter’s neck.
‘‘Ryosuke, stop.’’ Yuri commanded, yet with a soft voice.
‘‘Haaai…’’ Yamada obeyed and looked down at Cupundruses clinging on his legs. He looked them in the eyes and smirked.
‘‘Now, it’s time to go to bed’’
‘‘Iyaaaa~’’ as Yamada expected, they complained and they let go of his legs.
‘‘Yes, or Mr. dinosaur will catch and eat you!!’’ the kids ran away and Yamada followed them to their room, meanwhile Yuri only chuckled and shook his head.
Yamada roared as he attacked one of his children who didn’t make it to the bed in time.
‘‘No~ Mama!’’ the kid screamed.
‘‘Now, stop it. They won’t fall asleep because of you, Ryo.’’ Yuri scolded his boyfriend but again with a playful tone. He handed bottles to them and at the same time kissing each on foreheads.
‘‘Goodnight.’’ He said calmly.
‘‘Goodnight, mama, goodnight, papa!’’ all of them said and the parents left the room.
‘‘Time for us to rest’’ Yamada grinned and pulled Yuri by the waist close to him. Yuri only smirked in return and their lips started to draw closer to each other until they touched. Yamada touched Yuri’s jawline to pull him even closer but before he could go any further with the kiss the door behind them opened.
‘‘Mama!!’’ a boy came running with a teddy bear under his armpit and eyes sparkling.
‘‘What happened, dear?’’ Yuri knelt down before his child and caressed his cheek.
‘‘Tsubasa said that there’s a monster in our closet!!!’’ the boy yelled panicked as he tug on his bear. Yuri only sighed as he walked into the room his arms crossed. The boy followed his mother and hugged his leg, meanwhile Yamada observed the situation from the side.
‘‘Tsubasa, why did you tell him that?’’ his eyes were serious.
‘‘It’s not my fault he believes everything and is such a crybaby.’’ Tsubasa glared at his brother behind their mother, who clearly had tears rolling down his chubby cheeks.
‘‘Don’t mock your brother. You should protect him instead.’’
‘‘Gomenasai’’ he pouted, then exit his bed and rushed to hug his little brother. ‘‘I’ll protect Yuki!!’’ he shouted.
‘‘That’s better.’’ Yuri smiled and stroked Tsubasa’s head.
‘‘But… the monster…’’ Yuki cried.
‘‘There isn’t anyone in the closet, dear.’’ Yuri said softly but the latter didn’t look like he believed his mother. Yuri placed a sigh and turned his head to where his lover was. ‘‘Check the closet Mr. dinosaur, would you?’’
‘‘Roger!’’ Yamada jumped up and walked to the closet. He opened the door to the closet and stuffed his head inside. ‘‘All clear!’’
‘‘See, honey? There’s no one in there’’ Yuki nodded with a slight pout and climbed on his bed. Yuri covered him with a blanket and once again kissed him on the forehead. ‘‘Goodnight’’ he whispered.
Yuri sighed deeply when he closed the door as he and Yamada exit the room.
‘‘You look worn out, are you okay?’’ Yamada looked at his lover worried.
‘‘Un, daijoubu.’’ Yuri sweetly smiled and Yamada could only sigh slightly. Though Yuri tried his best to cover exhaustiveness with the smile, he was never good at hiding his real emotions. Yamada pulled him in a hug and stroked his head. ‘‘You need a rest.’’ He gently said and the latter nodded which gained a sweet smile from the older guy.
‘‘Let’s go’’ he said and pulled Yuri to their bedroom.
‘‘I’ll take care of the children tomorrow.’’ Yamada stated as he hugged Yuri tighter who was currently resting his head on the chubby cheeked boy’s chest, both of them lying in a bed. ‘‘Are you sure?’’ Yuri looked up into his eyes.
‘‘Un.’’ The latter responded with a smile and pecked him on the lips. Yuri couldn’t help but to smile too. Then he buried his face into his lover’s neck and they both fell asleep.
Ehh ehh ehh
Did I really finish this
It’s been a very long time since the last chappie came ne
Gomennasai neee >.<
I’m sorry to everyone who I made wait :S
I hope you like this epilogue! (>W<)/
And still interested to read it… o3o