Replaced (Chapter 2)

Sep 06, 2014 00:46

Title: Replaced
Author: riina8chi
Pairing: YamaChii, YabuNoo (slight)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance, Mystery, Fluff, School-life,
Summary: When Yamada transfers to a new school, in Shizuoka, he meets a nice boy named Chinen Yukito. The little boy seemed to get a lot of attention from other students yet he seemed so lonely. These two become very close but there are things of which Yamada is not aware. Something happened in this school, students act weird and he wants to know why.

‘‘I hope he cheers up…’’ Yamada thought as he glanced back. As he looked forward while walking down the school hall to his classroom, his eyes caught Yabu walking towards him. The taller guy raised a hand as to greet him.
‘‘Yo, Yamada! Where’ve you been?’’ he asked with a cool smile.

‘‘You’re the one who disappeared in the first place…’’ Yamada thought to himself.

‘‘I took a sip of fresh air. Were you looking for me?’’ he explained while pointing to the direction he was coming from.
‘‘Yes, could you please accompany me to school’s infirmary?’’ the taller asked.
‘‘Sure.’’ Yamada responded slightly frowning as he wondered why would the taller want him to tag along with him. As they were standing in front of the infirmary, Yabu knocked to the door before opening it.
‘‘Shitsureshimasu’’ he said and they entered the room. All they could see was a man in a white coat sitting before a table, his back facing them.
‘‘Yes, how can I help you?’’ He asked as he was writing down some notes.
‘‘Inoo-san,’’ Yabu started and the man turned to face their way with a smile plastered on his face.
‘‘Oh, Yabu-kun. What brought you here this time?’’ he nicely asked.
‘‘Umh…’’ the latter was suddenly stuck with his words as he blushed. He tried to cover his slight red face by slightly dropping his head and scratching the back of it ‘‘anoo,’’
‘‘Sensei asked me to bring some bandages.’’
‘‘I see. Just a moment.’’ The man stood up and walked to a cabined where he took bandages and then waked to hand them to Yabu.
‘‘I hope nothing happened’’ he said kind of worried.
‘‘N-no. Sensei wanted to teach his class how to use these in an emergency.’’
‘‘Sou ka. Could it be Yabu-kun still doesn’t know how to use them?’’ Inoo giggled teasing him.
‘‘N-no! Of course I know!’’ he fought back but Inoo only continued giggling.
‘‘Hm, and who is this fellow?’’ Inoo suddenly asked, looking at Yamada.
‘‘Yamada Ryosuke desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.’’ The short boy answered and bowed to Inoo.
 ‘‘Inoo Kei. If something happens, you can always come here, Yamada-kun.’’
‘‘H-hai! Arigatou gozaimasu.’’ Yamada said as he bowed again and Inoo only smiled. Yabu and him chatted a little when Yamada started to hear some noises outside the room.

‘‘Yuki! Yuki!’’ the name kept on repeating by many girls in the hall. Yamada peeked outside the infirmary and saw the little boy walking towards their classroom and a crowd of students following him. He didn’t look any better, with the same expression as before he walked pass him. The older boy sighed and wondered if there could be any way to make the boy happy. For some reason it seemed like a duty for him now.

‘‘Hang in there, I’ll help you’’ it was a promise he made to himself.


Next morning Yamada arrived to school early as he always does. He placed his bag on his desk and closed his eyes as he leaned on it.
‘‘He arrived!’’ He heard someone yell and then people screamed while storming outside. It felt like Déjà-vu. As he heard the yell, the image of the little boy popped in his mind and he sighed.

The noise calmed down once again. Yamada opened his eyes as he heard someone open the door. When he came to school, there was almost no one in his class but now it was full of students chatting with each other. His eyes wandered to the door and he saw Chinen walking in. He immediately raised his head and sat with straight back. He waited until Chinen would look at him so he could greet and smile at the shorted but it did not happen. The smaller boy just walked to his seat without even glancing at Yamada. He probably didn’t even know he was in there. In addition, the little guy looked a little annoyed this time. After few minutes, the teacher walked in the class. He greeted the class good morning and after everybody stood up and bowed to him, the lesson started.

Half an hour passed already and Yamada couldn’t shake off the feeling of worry. He kept on glancing at Chinen every three minutes. Meanwhile the little guy didn’t even suspect that someone was constantly looking at him.

‘‘I want away from here…’’ Chinen thought as he closed his eyes. He couldn’t bear the pain and annoyance in his heart any longer. He just wanted to escape this all.
‘‘I’m not a coward.’’ He told himself and took a deep breath.

‘‘Yuki’’ someone whispered and poked him to the back. Chinen looked behind him and there he saw his classmate smiling at him, which raised his irritation.
‘‘Do you want to go to karaoke with us after school?’’ he asked in whispered.
‘‘I’m sorry, I have a tight schedule.’’ The latter rejected the offer by giving him a false excuse.
‘‘You two’’ the teacher raised his voice but didn’t yet shout though it made Chinen turn back to face him. He looked angrily at both of them but especially at Chinen, which only made Chinen to sigh without the teacher noticing.
‘‘Chinen-kun’’ he said and the boy stood up. ‘‘Hai’’ he didn’t look interested in what the man wanted to say.
‘‘I didn’t expect this from a role model student like you.’’ As he expected, teacher stating that and this made slightly to grind his gears.
‘‘I’m sorry.’’ Chinen bowed while looking down.
‘‘I wouldn’t want to call your parents to school.’’ The teacher continued.

‘‘As if they would come…’’ Chinen spoke in his mind getting more and more irritated by the each word the teacher said.

The whole class stared at them including Yamada. He noticed that Chinen was frowning. Usually a person would look guilty after being scolded but he didn’t. The boy looks as if he was misunderstood but didn’t dare to say anything and instead held his anger back. ‘Maybe he fought with his parents’ Yamada thought. That would explain his behavior.

Chinen apologized once more and sat back on his seat. The class continued calmly until the end with no more interference. As it ended almost the whole class spilt all over the school leaving only few student in the classroom.

Yamada’s eyes followed the little guy exiting the class and then he looked at a guy in front of him.
‘‘Nakajima-kun,’’ he approached the boy who was sitting in front of him during classes.
‘‘Yes?’’ the taller answered lightly while packing his books but his expression changed within a second after Yamada mentioned next.
‘‘About Chinen Yukito-kun…’’ he started. Yuto stopped his actions for a second.
‘‘What about him?’’ he asked continuing his packing.
‘‘Um, what makes him so popular? He sure is adorable and all but is there any other reason?’’
‘‘You know Yamada-kun, you shouldn’t ask unnecessary questions.’’ The taller answered. Yamada was taken aback. He didn’t know what to say so he utters no word. It was weird enough for him that Chinen’s name could change Yuto’s attitude just like that. It shocked and scared him at the same time. As he came back to his senses, he apologized.
‘‘Gomennasai.’’ He said it sincerely as if he knew he said something bad. He hoped Yuto would come back to his usual self who was a cheerful guy but he didn’t. He only threw his bag over his shoulder and walked pass Yamada while glaring at him.
‘‘Weird…’’ Yamada’s heart raced a little due to fear.
‘‘Maybe I should ask Chinen-kun directly.’’ He thought, as he didn’t dare to ask anyone anything about Chinen anymore.

As he though of it, Yamada also wanted to ask Chinen how he was doing. After seeing him act differently today, in a bad way, made him even more worried. The first place to search for him was the rooftop, where he talked to him for the first time so headed there right away. Just as he expected, when he walked upstairs and opened the door, he saw Chinen sitting on a bench. The bench located right in the middle of the rooftop, which was weird. Yamada approached the bench as he was saying.

‘‘I knew you would be here.’’ He waited for a response that he didn’t receive in the end. Instead, he saw the little boy wiping his face with a sleeve.
‘‘What’s wrong? Did something happen?’’ he quickly accompanied the latter by sitting next to him. He asked his questions even though he perfectly knew that something was going on for sure.
‘‘You could say that.’’ Chinen answered with trembling voice, still wiping away his tears.
‘‘Do you want to talk about it?’’ Yamada asked him gently and calmly.
‘‘Talking won’t change anything.’’ The latter answered coldly. He knew it wouldn’t help. Yamada couldn’t do anything to stop what is happening to him or more, what already happened.
‘‘It can make you feel better.’’ he snapped from his thoughts and turned to look at Yamada with his teary eyes. He stared at him in the eyes for a while and so did the latter.
‘‘I don’t think so.’’ He said slightly shaking his head and taking his stare back on his knees.
‘‘I won’t force you, if you don’t want to.’’ Yamada looked gently at him but obviously, he still was worried. He let out a small sigh and turned to look forward. After his finished sentence, they didn’t say a single word to each other. They sat there in all silence looking at the clouds far away from them.

Unlike Yamada who was blankly staring above, Chinen’s mind was filling with different thoughts. Thoughts of what happened to him, what he should do and what might happen. He replayed Yamada’s words in head as he carefully peeked at him. Maybe he really needed somebody to share his feelings. So far, he didn’t have anybody to tell his problems and concerns. Keep everything within, he can’t go on like this forever. Few moments after he looked down again as he spoke.

‘‘I can’t stand this anymore.’’ He said his voice trembling so much that it almost came out in a whisper.
‘‘Hm?’’ Yamada turned to look at him.
‘‘If only Yuki was here’’ he mumbled. The latter could only frown in confuse and wait for the shorter to speak again and clear up his words.
‘‘Ah, I’m sorry. Forget about it’’ he shook his hands as his gaze was still set down.
‘‘You can tell me if something is bothering you. I know I am a mere stranger to you but you can trust me and I can help you.’’ Chinen moved to look at the older boy, feeling a little touched. The taller gained a little bit of his trust so he sighed before he tried to explain his situation. At least he wasn’t so hesitant anymore.
‘‘It’s this school. The students.’’ He used small amount of words for it always have been hard for him to express his feelings through words.
‘‘It probably is hard to be popular but-’’ the older boy obviously jumped to this conclusion before knowing the boy’s real story.
‘‘It’s not about that!’’ Chinen yelled which took Yamada by surprise.
‘‘Then what?’’ he asked gently.
‘‘Just forget about it. You won’t understand.’’ The latter tried to finish their conversation feeling that is was pointless to try to share anything with the older boy after all. Yamada only treated his situation and feelings with respect. He remained silent, as he didn’t want to force any more burdens on him.

They sat in that silence for a moment, again, until Yamada began to take something out of his pocket. Chinen curiously moved to look what the latter was doing, and Yamada took out a candy, which he then handed to Chinen.
‘‘Everything will be fine. I’m sure of it.’’ He said at the same time and smiled. Chinen didn’t want to seem impolite so he had to force a smile as he took the candy and slightly bowed his head.

‘‘I highly doubt it’’

I want to warn that it might take a little more time until the next update
Because I’m really working hard on this fic and I really want it to be good :D
So please give me some time to put things together
I really wanted to hear other’s opinions when I posted first parts of this fic
Hope you can understand
Thank you everyone for taking your curiosity in this fic! ^^
And hope you can wait OwO

school life, fluff, yamachii, mystery, romance, pg

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