Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been pretty sick so I've been keeping to myself a lot. I'm still not doing so well and I'm going to make a doctor's appointment soon, but I'm still going to wait another couple of days before I do that. However, strangely enough, despite how sick I've been, the last week has been pretty busy.
We went out to Tina and Johnny's so they could see Madisen. We ran a little late because dad had a job interview, but surprisingly enough, Steve, Thy, and Madi actually beat us out there. Only by about fifteen minutes, but it's still unheard of. Steve had lost more than 40 pounds and he's looking really good, although I think it helps that he shaved too. He's been doing really good with the Atkins diet, but I still think that's purely a male diet since it didn't do shit for me. I don't think it's healthy either, not that my eating habits are perfect or anything. Anyways, I hadn't seen Tina in a really long time, but I honestly have to say that she's looking really good, considering she's dying from cancer. Supposedly she only has one more year to live, but she still looks the same to me. Johnny kept trying to snap pictures of Madisen, which made her fussy since I think she has to deal with that constantly when she visits with Thy's family, but it makes sense that Johnny would want to take pictures since this is probably the only time they're going to get to see her. Madisen seemed confused for the most part, so she was really fussy and spent most of her time either clinging to Thy or watching TV. Eventually I got her to go outside in the backyard with me and we played in the grass and even got pushed around by a teritorial hummingbird. XD
Afterwards we headed back to our place. Alex had picked up Anthony from school, so Madisen attached herself to him. It's amazing how much she adores him, although I think part of it is because he's closest in age to her. Mom gave Madi her first hair cut, so that was an adventure in itself since I don't think any kid likes getting their hair hacked off the first time. I was amused to find that Madisen is obsessed with Sleeping Beauty, my favorite Disney movie. She has good taste.
Kat moved considerably closer to me, so last week Ari and I went out to visit her. When we got there though her dad's girlfriend had shown up, so we couldn't really hang out there. After a bit of discussion we decided to go back to my place since I had food, and we really couldn't hang around at Ari's since her dad just got out of heart surgery. At my place we talked and I showed Kat some of my J-rock stuff, although I was incredibly disappointed to find that I'd lost a couple of my favorite Nightmare interviews. I can't remember where I got them or anything, so I don't know how I'm going to replace them.
The next day I was supposed to meet up with Emily and her friend at the mall, but she ended up calling me and rescheduling for the next day, which was fine since I had wanted to spend more time with Kat. I drove out to Kat's by myself and was surprised when I was able to get to her place completely off my memory with only one wrong turn. This time I got to see her apartment, which is a lot nicer and bigger than the one she moved out of. They'd done really well with unpacking and she really didn't have any boxes or anything laying around. Just a few boxes with clothes and some pictures that hadn't been hung yet. We talked about J-rock and SPJM and she spamed me with Kabuki Arc, so I'm now writing up a character. It was a little boring at first cuz she was rping while I was there. Personally, I think that's a little rude, but I didn't say anything since I've done it myself, but I've only done it to Ari, and more often then not, she's part of the rp anyways. Once she finished rping we went out and explored the town since she didn't know it so well since she'd just moved there. I had to get gas, so we went to the Shell station, but unfortunately, I had forgotten my ATM card at home, so I had to use my dinner money on gas. When I went in to pay, the cashier asked me about the cat ears I was wearing (the ones Mandy bought me at AX). He just asked why I was wearing them and when I said just cuz, he was like, "Oh, well they look really nice." I think he was hitting on me, but it's just hard for me to tell. After we got gas we went to Carl's Jr. for dinner and Kat paid for me to make up for the shake I bought for her at AX a year ago (that I swear cost less than the food she got me). Then we went back to her place and she forced TMR on me for a few hours until it was so late I just had to go. Honestly, I think Takanori is cute and all, but he's just not my style. He needs to scream more and molest his bandmates more before I can really call myself a fan. His guitarist is pretty feking hot though. ^_~
So the next day I was supposed to go meet up with Emily and her friend at the mall, but by the afternoon, I hadn't even gotten so much as a call from Emily, when she said the day before that she would call me in the morning to let me know when we were going to meet. Eventually I got a call from Ari asking me to take her to pick up a matress she ordered, and I agreed if she'd take me to the mall to meet up with Emily and her friend to prevent car issues with Alex, since he had to work. Ari agreed, so I called Emily to find out when and where we were going to meet, but she doesn't even pick up. I'm a bit annoyed, but soon enough she called back and said we'd meet at 3pm at Nordstroms. I got ready and dressed myself up nicely, only to find that I was running late because Ari still hadn't gotten back from eating lunch with her sister. I called her and caught her just as she got in the door, so she headed over to pick me up. I decided to call Emily to let her know that I was running late, and I got her voicemail again. I figured she was running late too, so I didn't worry about it. Ari and I showed up at Nordstrom's about a quarter after three, and Emily wasn't anywhere to be seen. I tried to call her and got no answer again! Now I'm thoroughly frustrated. She was the one who set the time and place and she's not even there, and on top of that I can't even get a hold of her. After calling her a few more times I found that she was in fact in the mall, in the arcade, playing DDR. So Ari and I went over to meet her and it turns out her friend couldn't even make it. This just made me even more mad since the only reason I came in the first place was to meet her friend because, a) Emily insisted that her friend needed to go out more and meet more people and "have one good day in her life," and b) I'm entirely poor and have no money to spend at the mall. So we just wandered a bit while I boiled over everything, and eventually we decided to head over to Barnes & Noble since I figure I may as well try to order my Japanese workbook while we're in the area and it's on my mind. Once we got there I went straight to the customer service desk and asked for the book, but the girl couldn't find it, even when I spelt the name out loud for her (although I had to correct her spelling anyways because she didn't type it right even after I spelled it out loud to her). So by then I was so completely annoyed because the day was a complete waste and I was starting to feel really shitty because I was ill. So finally Ari and I just split.
We hung out at my place for a bit until my mom got home so we could take the van to pick up the matress. Originally Alex was going to do it, but since he was working, I got stuck with the chore. I tried to talk my way out of it by asking Ari why her and her sister didn't just tie it to the roof of their car. I'd seen people driving around with matresses tied to their roofs before. It's not like it's uncommon or anything. But Ari claimed they had nothing to tie it down with. Whatever. Once Mom got home, Ari and I took the van down to the store, which was an adventure since I haven't driven the van in a year and a half. Right off the bat I popped the hood instead of releasing the park break since one is right under the other. Ari closed it for me and I released the break properly, only to try and drive into the house since the shifter is in a totally different spot so I didn't put it all the way into reverse. Luckily, I back out very very slow, so I realized it before I went more then an inch. Once I actually got the massive thing out of the garage I was fine, although I swear the accelerator and break pad on that thing is far more sensitive then the ones on my Kia. We picked up the matress fine and I even managed to back the monstrous van up into a space so a cute Asian boy named William could load the matress into the van, but I swear I never want to drive that thing again.
Friday was a pretty slow day. I worked, but work is work, and well, boring. Later that day I was stuck at home alone, bored with nothing to do. Mom had a doctor's appointment and Dad and Alex were at work, so I watched 13 Going on 30 a couple of times and got really giddy, then called Shaun. I was in a really happy mood and I thought it might be nice to spread the mood. Unfortunately I didn't really think of the fact that it was a Friday evening and Shaun almost always works alone, so it was really busy for him. I tried to cheer him up a bit, but I don't think it worked so well, and I let him go so he could work. Next I called my mom to see if she'd be home for dinner. She wasn't going to be, so I called SPOOn. SPOOn was going to see a movie with her dad, but she offered to come pick me up so we could hang out until they left. At her place we played DDR and GGXX for a few hours until she had to go. They decided to take me with them, so we all got to see The Village together. It was a good movie, but I think I would have appreciated it more if I hadn't gone to see it on a Friday night with a full house. The place was full of irritating little teenagers that were either making out or cracking stupid jokes at the screen just to get attenition. Some kid was sitting near the front and called out that he was homosexual, which was just stupid. Once the movie started it was alright, but people kept laughing at stupid things and screaming for no reason. In the end I really liked the movie, even though it scared the crap out of me and I couldn't sleep that night. Hell, I'm still sleeping with my light on.
I think I still liked 13 Going on 30 better though, just because it was a lot more cheery and uplifting. The Village was really good, but I see it as one of those movies that you can watch the first time and really really like it, but each time you watch it again it just gets boring. So I think I'm going to buy 13 Going on 30, but The Village can just be a good one time movie.
Grandma was supposed to baby sit for Madisen on Saturday while Thy and Anh went to a wedding. I was required to stick around to make sure that nothing happened while they were taking care of her. I didn't really do much since I was feeling particularly ill that day, but Grandma came around, claiming that Madisen wouldn't let her change her diaper. I find it entirely unlikely that a two year old can over power her, so I helped her to change her. Madi threw a fit, but most kids do at that age. It took me, Grandma, and Alex to get her pants back on, afterwhich she threw a fit and tried to undress herself. I don't know what her probably was, but I think it might have been because Grandma was fussing over her and she probably didn't even need to have her diaper changed. The whole day was really annoying because Grandma is such an obsessive and annoying woman. Things got better once Mom and Dad came home, but eventually I had to go to work. At work I felt like so much crap, McKitrick actually asked me if I was ok, and she even said I looked like crap (she's such a sweetheart XD). Luckily her and Keith had been joking about the two of them closing together, so a few hours in to my shift, Keith offered to close so I could go home. I was more than happy to be home at 11pm rather than 1am, but I was surprised to find that my parents were still awake. Everyone else was gone, thankfully, but Madi was asleep in their bed and they were still waiting for Thy and Anh to come pick her up. Apparently Grandma was fussing over Madisen so much that Madi was really upset and was hitting her, trying to get her to go away. Mom practically had to kick Grandma out of the house so they could get Madisen to calm down, and almost right after Grandma left, they got Madi to go to sleep. Eventually Thy and Anh showed up and took Madi home and we all went to bed. We probably won't see them again this year, but whatever.
This weekend Alex went out with Dan to Havasu to go see his parents' new place, so Mom, Dad and I decided to go to the beach. On the way over I remembered the extra fair tickets in my purse, so I mentioned it since it was right nearby and it was the last day of the fair. Dad didn't want to deal with the people, so we drove down to Balboa, only to find that their lot was full and there was no parking anywhere. Dad was majorly pissed, but we just ended up going to the fair. I called Zach to let him know we were there, but he couldn't get away from work, so we just wandered. We had a lot of good food and saw a lot of really cool art displays and such, but other than that we didn't really do much. THe most intreguing thing I saw was a sumi-e bamboo painting that was almost perfect, done by a six year old. Maybe because simplicity is a much easier concept at that age. Later on we saw some swing dancers, complete with zut suits, Mexican and Austrian dancers. Mom said the Austrian dancers looked like they belonged on a clock. I thought the Austrian dancers were so boring that they should have had some Japanese fan dancers. They would have been just as entertaining, if not more. Once we decided to leave I tried to get a hold of Zach again, but he wasn't answering his phone, so I stood outside his booth a bit trying to see if he was inside. I spotted a guy that I thought looked like Zach's friend John, but I wasn't sure if it was him or not. We stared at each other for about five minutes until he finally mouthed my name, so I went over and went, "hey, I thought it was you." We talked a bit and caught up a little, and when I told him I wasn't feeling well, he actually went and got chairs for us. That boy can really be quite a charmer, but he can be really stupid too, cuz when I went to sit with him I was like, "Oh, are you on break?" to which he just blinked at me stupidly then said, "I have to go!" Luckily Tom was there too, so he sent Tom out to say hi to me, but we really didn't get to talk long before he got called back to work too, so we just went home after that.
I spent most of yesterday trying to recover from being sick. I started to feel a lot better, but I still wasn't quite up to par, so I spent most of the day watching movies. Finding Nemo, 50 First Dates, then Spider Man. Watching the last two made me think of Shaun. 50 First Dates always makes me think of Shaun now, though I'm not really sure why. Watching Spider Man I started to think that Shaun looks a little like Tobbey McGuire, though I'm not sure that anyone else will agree to that. I tend to see stuff like that when other people don't. So, since I was thinking so much of Shaun, I decided to call him. We didn't talk long, just long enough to find that both of us had pretty boring days. He clicked over to the other line, only to come back a few moments later to tell me he has to go cuz there's a call on the other line for one of his room mates. I felt blown off, but whatever. He asked me to call back later, but I didn't since I really didn't have anything important to say and I'm pretty positive he didn't have anything to say either. So it doesn't matter. My giddy little romantic mood was gone. I wanted to see if he wanted to go see a movie or something next week, but I suppose he was jus too busy or something.
I didn't really do much more today then I did yesterday. I mostly watched TV, trying to get better, although I'm still not feeling too great. While I was typing all this up Shaun called and we talked for a good long while. Turns out he had to go last night cuz his room mate's girlfriend called and was bitching at him to let her talk to him. I don't think that's a very good excuse, but whatever. We decided that a week from today we're going to go to an arcade out by his place and maybe see a movie. I tried to tell him that I didn't have the money to go to the arcade (SPOOn has free movie tickets that I was hoping to pawn off of her >_>;), but he offered to pay for me, so I guess it's not really an issue. I would have money to go out next week, but I owe my parents so much money I'm probably going to end up giving all of this paycheck to them. It's depressing, but they're paying for my classes this semester, so I have to be grateful. I just need more hours at work. That's not going to happen though cuz last week my sales were so crappy. Makes for a roller coaster with my schedule since I only worked two days last week, I work four this week, and I'll probably work two again next week. Either way I need more money, so I hope Robert gets to look over my review. I could really use a pay increase.
One thing that bothered me a lot last week was the long talk that Thy gave me on Monday. Basically she gave me the whole church splurge and bore her testimony to me about how I should go to church and get married in the temple. She went off about how I was only allowed to have Shaun as a "temporary boyfriend" because he doesn't have a car and he doesn't want to go any further with his education, which was sort of my idea in the first place, but hearing her say it kind of made me want to go further with him just to spite them. It was interesting cuz when I was talking to Shaun on the phone today we actually got on that subject of people wanting to do something more if they're told to do the opposite. Apparently some of the bigger anime subbing companies want to sue the fan-sub groups because they're loosing business to them, which is just obsurd since fan-subs are done by fans for fans and aren't sold, but apparently people are boot-legging the fan-subs and selling them. I personally prefer the fan-subs because most of the time they're just better. Shaun said that the big companies should just higher on the fan-subbers since they do a better job anyways. It makes sense to me, but I think there's really no way for the companies to escape bootlegging. It happens everywhere.
Reading over Jessie's journal, I feel all jealous of her now. Matt sounds like a really sweet and romantic guy, and I'm really happy for her, but I'm jealous too, but then I really get jealous over the smallest things. Hell, I get jealous of Ari just because she's going through school faster than I am and because she gets paid more to do the same job as I do. But I really did think that Shaun was a lot sweeter then he's turning out to be. The more I talk to him the more he's reminding me of Mandy's husband. Apparently, Mandy's having trouble with her hubby neglecting her because he'd rather play video games all day. Shaun doesn't neglect me or anything, but all he ever talks about is video games. There's really not anything wrong with that, but after a while I just get a little bored with it. I'm not a big gamer myself, so I don't really connect with him like that. More and more I'm starting to wonder if we really have that many common interests. Maybe I should just stick to my happy little pre-conception of Die. After all, Die is perfection.