Tegoshi Yuya and the Seven Juniors (Chapter Three)

Jun 27, 2009 12:51

Tegoshi Yuya and the Seven Juniors
Author: Rika Chihara
Pairings: TegoPi
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: How many friggin' times do I have to tell you none of this is my property!? xDDD;;
Summary: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs...JE Version!! 8D

( Chapter One) ( Chapter Two)

Tegoshi rushed into his mother's bedroom and flung the door open. "Mother!!!"

Lady Tegoshi was reading on her bed comfortably. "Hm? What's the matter, Yuya?"

Tegoshi, who was currently out of breath, collapsed by the bed. "Mother...how could you marry that...that...awful man!?"

"What are you talking about, sweetie?"

"I saw it! When I went in his room, he had this huge magic mirror. It talked! He said he uses it to make it tell how 'gorgeous and sexy' he is!"

Lady Tegoshi placed a hand on Tegoshi's forehead. "You don't have a fever. Yuya, are you sure you weren't hallucinating?"

"I'm definitely positive! I did see it with my own two eyes!" Tegoshi pointed out.

Lady Tegoshi smiled weakly. She knew she couldn't lie anymore. "Sorry, Yuya. I guess I...kind of forgot to tell you. Ryo is a bit...full of himself..."

"'A bit'!? Let me tell you something, mother. What I saw, wasn't a bit. It was a lot!"

"I'm sorry, Yuya. I can't fix Ryo's personality just like that. That's just what makes him himself!"

Tegoshi sighed in defeat. "Well, why did you even marry him anyway?"

Lady Tegoshi bit her lip. "It was for...his fortune..."

Tegoshi blinked. "Eh...?"

"Look, Yuya. If we stayed in our previous home, one, we could of died of the spreading plague, and two, since your father died, nobody would of been able to make money! Please understand..."

Tegoshi's head lowered. His bangs covered his face, but tears from his eyes could be seen. "How could you, mother? How could you marry that horrible jerk for greed?! That's unbelievable!!" Tegoshi screamed and broke down into tears.

Lady Tegoshi felt guilty now that her son's upset. "Yuya, please don't get mad. This was for our sake!"

"'Our sake'? 'Our sake'!? Yeah, right! You just wanted to be rich again so you married a guy like him! I won't forgive you, mother! I hate you!!" Tegoshi stormed out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Months passed but Tegoshi never forgave his mother no matter what. It was all her fault Tegoshi had to suffer living with Ryo. Ever since Tegoshi started living in Ryo's castle, he became Ryo's personal slave. He had to do everything single thing for him, no matter how crazy the job was. Fluff his pillows, dust the paintings, shine his crown, wash the laundry, everything! Tegoshi just couldn't take it being King Ryo's slave. Now Tegoshi really knows the true meaning of someone who's a "royal pain".

But when the night of Tegoshi's 15th birthday arrived, things became even worse around the castle...

Tegoshi came home from school and saw his mother with a big suitcase. "Mother...where are you going...?"

Lady Tegoshi glared at him. "I'm leaving this place. Forever."

Yes. Besides Ryo self-confidence, he was a real player. Every night Lady Tegoshi came home, she saw a different woman each night draped on him in his bed when he came home from drinking. It's been exactly six months since this incident has happened, and Lady Tegoshi was completely fed up with it.

Tegoshi couldn't believe it. Now he felt this is the time he should be forgiving his mother. "W-Wait! Take me with you!" Tegoshi grabbed his mother's ankles but she kicked him off.

"I thought you hated me and said you'll never forgive me. I'm going alone!"

Tegoshi eyes watered. "But...but...I thought you promised you'd never leave me!"

Lady Tegoshi scowled back. "That's then, and this is now. Farewell, Tegoshi Yuya." She slammed the doors and she was gone. Forever.

Tegoshi fell to the floor and his tears fell onto the floor and his hands. "Mother...I'm sorry...MOTHER!!!"

But it was too late. Lady Tegoshi was already gone, and he was all alone, left in the world's most evilest king's care...

Now this is where things are gonna start getting good (I hope!)! x33
In chapter four, Prince Tomohisa will finally make his appearance! Yay!! v(^o^)v
Look forward to it! ;D

Comments = Love!! <333

multi-chapter, romance, nishikido ryo, fluff, news, tegopi, pg, tegoshi yuya

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