Real post sooner or later.

Jan 11, 2011 11:35

You know how sometimes people on your friends list BLAH BLAH BLAH we all should know what that says by now since this meme's everywhere.

Copy pasta the questions, answer them, etc etc. /gives one-word answers only not really.

Name - Aarika
Nicknames - Whatever you guys come up with.
Birthday - 9/26/89
Zodiac - Libra

Hair - Black
Eyes - Daaark Brown
Height - 5'4"
Body Type - Small, thin, underweight, etc.

Relationship Status - lol none.
Kids - lol no kids. Debating whether or not I want kids. That movie they showed us in high school still freaks me out to this day.
Pets - None. Had three hamsters when I was a kid, though.

Religious Views - I believe there is a God, but I'm not really deep into religion.
Political Views - Don't really pay mind to politics, but most likely Democrat.
City/State/Country - North Carolina, USA.

Favorite Color - Red
Favorite Flower - None.
Favorite Movie(s) - Four Brothers, even though Tyrese's acting skills are....special.
Favorite Song(s) - Too many.

3 Random Facts about you:
→ I prefer driving without shoes on.
→ I hate it when people talk loudly.
→ I wear glasses. /boring.

Story behind your username:
Name is Aarika. I like dinosaurs, preferably tyrannosaurus rexes, so. Yeah. Rikasaurus. Originally wanted to go with Rikazilla, but that does not have a nice ring to it.

1. First Name
....Aarika. Pronounced like 'Erika'. Mom wanted to spell it like 'Aaron'. It's actually spelled like 'Arika' on my birth certificate and high school diploma, so I guess that spelling is technically right, but my mom has always told me it's supposed to be 'Aarika', so that's how I've been spelling it my whole life. That was an awfully long sentence.

2. Age
21 but I look like I'm 12, apparently.

3. Location
North Carolina.

4. Occupation
Student going to school to be a LOL TEACHER.

5. Partner?
lol we've been over this.

6. Kids
And this.

7. Brothers/Sisters
I have an older brother. He's 25. And he's awesome. Currently chillin' in Afghanistan because he's a soldier and all that.

8. Pets
This is another one of those already answered questions.

9. List the 3-5 biggest things going on in your life
Um....nothing. Obviously I lead a very exciting life.

10. Parents me insane sometimes. But yeah. I have a mom who does real estate and is currently attending the same school I do lol. Don't know which of those is 'on the side'. And then there's my dad, who has been in the army for a really long time.

11. Who are some of your closest friends?
irl, there's Angelia and her sister, modernmarvelous . I've known them for nearly 10 years and they've always been great.

On the interbutts, you guys, of course.

12. What are some of the things you like most?
Music, video games, animu and mango when it's interesting, and food.

13. A photo of yourself and anything else you want to say
Nope and nope.


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