All taken with my cell phone because real cameras are for chumps.
Okay, no I don't mean that. I just don't have a regular camera and am too cheap to buy one. I hope the quality doesn't offend anyone.
desuta asked for a photo of the view from my window, so, here it is.
It was a lot sunnier than usual when I took this. Anyway, lol backyard.
wraithi asked for my vidya games and consoles.
My consoles. I do have a Gamecube, but it's somewhere in my closet since lol Wii.
Video games on the shelf. Then days after taking this, I thought it was goofy to take a picture of them on the shelf, so I did this:
Sadly, I don't even have an SNES, anymore. My brother randomly brought these home because he apparently had an SNES when he first joined the army. Then he sold it. idek why he dumped these on me since the one we had is long gone. Also, lol Shaq Fu.
Still have my N64, at least c:
I never realized I had so many Sonic games. Uh...
Secret: I only got the DS for Pokemon. Okay not really.
sakura_advance asked for my computer.
And here it is. Those speakers connected to it are over 10 years old, but they work like a charm.
noodlesoother asked for my favorite shoes.
My ankle boots! I just got these for Christmas. They're my first pair of boots, actually lol. They're very comfortable.
And, lastly,
dyaoka asked for the last thing I wrote with.
Technically, I drew with this pencil, but, hey.
WELP, that's all.