Title : A Paradise
Pairing : Akame
Rating : PG-13
Genre : romance, drama, slightly angst
Beta by :
tat_fan_luv Disclaimer : I don't own anything but the story
Summary : The clumsy Kazuya falling in love with someone bright as a sun like Jin. But... the turtle only hiding behind his shell, longing for his paradise.
A/N : Don't hate Yamapi. He just
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Comments 35
Yeah, I was a bit stressed with this chapter but thanks for encourage me. I guess it will take more chapters before Jin finally realized for whom his love goes.
Please don't hate Pi... he has something for Akame~ (>///<)
I'll send the chapter soon when I'm done with it. Still have mid-tests so it will take a long time.
Well... let's us cheer for Kazu! I already add angst for the tags just because... *wink*
Thanks for commenting, I hope you'll not going to kill me *run away*
Support Kazu! Because the story is still going... and Yamapi still have some plans.
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
want kame-chan happy happy with jin :(
Don't hate him. He just helpless so he did something cruel to Kazu. But honestly, he likes Kazu, he consider him as his friend. Maybe the only problem that he have is just he is already tired yet in the same time he didn't like to lose.
Your comment made my day ♥
And btw, don't kill me for brought you back in that gokusen-nobuta years.
Poor Kame!
Tbh, it's only the beginning. So... well... *run away*
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