I mapped them to characters for my code, actually - the circle characters in the order they're written are "AMFTHXZaQVWwKz2mtI3riObvxhoN" and the activation phrase is "mY.foy4.3*!". As you can see some of the mappings are kind of a stretch. It certainly could be fontified but that's not something I have a lot of experience with. If someone else feels like doing that I'm happy to pass along my code.
Awesome! I loved Wormy so hard, and especially the Gremorly storyline and artwork. I missed (or forgot) that Tramp died last year. Such a sad story. :(
Yeah. Going through this process and considering how you'd render the portal so consistently with 1983 technology really impressed me with his skill. (Also the use of panel width to accentuate the widening of the portal - wow!)
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