spn_30snapshots. Oh, my. What am I doing? I'm not much of a writer, really. Much more of a reader, but this called to me. I'm not going to push it, instead just write as much as I can. Hopefully I'll have fun doing this (and finish it)! My goal will be a fic a day, so they probably won't be long. Essentially drabbles.
01. skin
06. feel
11. heat
ache 21.
desire 26. surrender
02. bite
07. kiss
12. wet
flush 22. tangle
27. truth
03. slick
08. touch
13. secret
18. lust
23. comfort
28. lies
04. promise
09. need
14. dance
19. trust
24. covet
29. future
05. betrayal
10. past
15. laughter
20. beginning
25. heart
30. ending