I've been meaning to get in touch with you about HuskyLove actually. Before I fell ill I was working on cleaning things up a bit and doing a reminder post to inform new users (and remind some old) what the community is all about and why that small group of us fought so hard for it to be what it should be
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Truthfully, I think the way it's going now is great. Everyone is enjoying looking at the pictures, and I know everyone likes helping out new husky owners or an old owner with new questions. Questions and such are never a bad thing... I think that's the biggest reason we have so many members, is because we ARE a support group for huskies. We've never really been JUST a picture community. I think a lot of people would leave if we made a rule to specify it as that. At the most, maybe make a small(nobody likes to read about rules) about showing more teaser pictures before LJ-cuts.
But yeah... I agree about a new layout. I'll start working on the background and add new pictures to it. But I wouldn't delete anything old. I know people like looking back at old posts a lot.
Okay kewl...if you get the time to throw something small & basic together with what you feel should be our current rules, guidelines, new suggestions you might have thought of or read in comments from others...basically I'd like YOUR feedback on how things are going in there and what you think is important I include in the "Management Feedback Post". You are definately more familiar with READING our current community where as I have been more skimming and picture watching. I want to hear from you as a co-mod before I post anything official or public. Then I'll go ahead and draft the formal post and give you a 24hr preview copy to lemnme know what you think before it gets posted
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Comments 6
Thank you.
I'm stealing this to post on the huskylove comm. ;D
At the most, maybe make a small(nobody likes to read about rules) about showing more teaser pictures before LJ-cuts.
But yeah... I agree about a new layout. I'll start working on the background and add new pictures to it. But I wouldn't delete anything old. I know people like looking back at old posts a lot.
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