So yea... I'm finally updating. So I give you... TWO POSTS!!! This first one is just a cute lil' survey, the next one will be a rant, but an amusing one. I promise.
[my name is]: Jillian
[people call me]: Jill, (various cutesie petnames), Trinity, Mom, Hey You...
[in the morning]: I'm not a morning person... at all.
[tall or short]: 5'5" Medium?
[born]: 9/13/86
[shoe]: My blue and white K-Swiss. Yea, I'm ghetto... pssssh.
[school]: Marist College
[sibs]: Lil' bro, Lil' sis.
[righty or lefty]: righty
[been in love]: Yes.
[smoked]: Nope
[bungee jumped]: Nope
[broken the law]: Probably... does going 89 on the highway count?
[skinny dipped]: Nope... I think.
[cried to get out of trouble]: Probably.
[fallen for the wrong girl/guy]: Yes, multiple times. *grrr*
[cut your own hair]: Yes. I wore a hat for the rest of the summer.
[been mean]: Uh huh.
[stalked someone]: Does the mall Easter Bunny count?
[been sarcastic]: Wow, you're asking some cutting questions here.
[talked to someone]: Yuh-huh. Multiple times, even! I'd say I'm an addict.
[hugged someone]: Oui.
[fought with parents]: Oooooooh yea.
[skipped school]: Never in HS, but I'm skipping Chem class right now! (I seem to do that a lot)
[kept a secret from everyone]: Uhmmm... yea. But I told everyone eventually (It took a loooong time)
[had an imaginary friend]: No, but I WAS someone's imaginary friend for a while (long story).
[Cried during a flick]: Yes.
W i T H T H E O P P O S i T E S E X
[what do u notice first?]: Their walk, hair, and if they're close enough EYES.
[turn on-looks]: Nice hair, nice smell, nice eyes, nice arms (WHAT? I like being held *pout*).
[turn on-personality]: sense of humor, intelligence, caring and loving, romantic.
[turn off-looks]: General lack of care for external presentation, bad hygene.
[turn off-personality]: Cruel, apathetic, self-centered, dependant to an extreme, misogynistic.
[colouring]: If you mean skin, you're a horrible person. If you mean hair, no preference.
[hair length]: buzzed-fuzzy to a few inches long. Any longer can be gross and/or weird.
[best height]: My height or taller.
[best weight]: BEST weight? 140-180... I guess. No clue, really, cuz I don't know how to guess guys' weight from just looking. You're built DIFFERENTLY!
[best article of clothing]: A beater. NO question about that. *drools*
[last called]: *checks cell phone history* RJ, but he was right down the hall at the time.
[last emailed]: My parents.
[last mailed letter]: My Parents. *^_^* (It's was my tax refund)
[went to the mall w/ u]: Steevo.
[makes you laugh the most?]: PETER, Mike, Chris Cells, Bobbykins.
[makes you smile]: RJ, Peter, Julianne, Steevo.
[have you known the longest]: Karen
[do you cry with]: RJ. I don't like to cry in front of anyone else... and usually not even in front of him.
W O R D A S S O C i A T i O N
[red]: Rose
[cow]: Moo
[grass]: Green
[blue]: Ocean
[mirror]: RJ (it's our nickname for each other, c'mon now...)
[cracker]: Brad
[zine]: Shallow/Sickening (it's short for magazine, people)
[jelly]: JELL-O
T H i S O R T H A T
[day/night]: Night.
[summer/winter]: Summer.
[lace/satin]: Satin.
[tape/cd]: CD? Or MP3's!
[lust/love]: Love.
[on phone/in person]: In person. Phones creep me out a lot of the time.
[gold/silver]: Platinum!!!
[scary/happy movies]: Action!
F A V O R i T E
[color]: Platinum and Blue
[holiday]: Halloween. *^_^*
[furniture]: Here? My bed. I need to jump to get into it.
[number]: 9, 7, 13.
[emotion]: Love!
[food]: Bacon and candy... Maybe both at the same time.
[drink]: Shirley Temples and Raspberry Lime Ricky soda from Lull's Farm.
[fast food]: Subway (does that count?)
[school subject]: Chemistry
[animal]: Kittens!
[sport to play]: Sexual Inuendo (aka pool or bowling)
[sport to watch]: eXtreme idiocy. (Christ... I just HAVE to leave this here)
[language]: English, Japanese, French
[weekend activity]: ;) (I love how a wink can leave everyone and anyone guessing... Go on, WHAT do I mean?)
[rollercoaster]: The Hulk or Dueling Dragons in Universal Studios.
[font]: That one that's got the curls... What IS it called?!
H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U
[want to go to college]: Si.
[like high school]: T'was cool. I miss it in retrospect.
[want to get married]: I'd like to.
[believe in yourself]: Damn straight.
[get motion sickness]: Only if I read while riding in a vehicle.
[get along w/ your parents]: PRetty much. They're really proud of me now that I'm gone.
[like thunder storms]: Hell -emphatically- yes.
[cried because of someone saying something mean to you]: Yes. And it was online, too! Stoopid Mark's friends. *pout*
[done something you regret]: Yeeea.
[colour your hair]: My sister made me. I'm growing it out, though. Although I did like the copper highlights. Now she's trying for toffee.
[could you live without the computer?]: No. I tweaked out when I thought my hard drive failed.
[like watching sunrises or sunsets]: All the time.
[physical pain or emotional pain?]: Physical. People can care for that (me or someone else).
[the last time you slept with a stuffed animal]: Last night.
[how many homes have you lived in]: *counts on fingers* 4 houses, 1 apartment.
[bedroom carpet]: @ school: tiled w/ area rug. @ home: Purgo.
[would you shave ur head for $5000]: Yes, then buy a nice wig to wait until it grew out again.
[age for marriage]: 21 or later. I wanna be out of college, but preferrably have a nice job w/ da FBI.
[last film seen in theatre]: Million Dollar Baby.
[what do you eat for breakfast?]: Girl Scout cookies, cotton candy, or a real breakfast if I can make it down to the Caf?
[bedtime]: Anywhere from 12:00 to 3:00.
[best feature]: My cute legs. *^_^* People seem to like those.