I've been thinking a lot about the moon these days... ever since he replied on twitter:
"I'm always thinkin about the significance of existence. I have to b the moon for someone. If u look up the sky, I'm there."
When I read this, I could feel things clicking into place, suddenly everything made a whole lot of sense...
Ever since I was little, I've always loved the moon. I've always longed to see it in the sky. I remember staring out the window and straining my neck to see if the moon was up that night. It's really rainy and cloudy where I live, so most of the time it wasn't there, but whenever I did see it, I could feel my heart calming down like something washed over me and soothed me.
I guess, if he's speaking the truth, then it was him who soothed me. It makes sense since he soothes me now when I listen to his music.
The moon is always changing.
Going from a slim crescent to a full circle. Sometimes the clouds cover it completely, but sometimes it can still shine through. It lights up the darkest of nights.
And even if you can't see it, you know that it's still there, somewhere, right?
Sounds like him, doesn't it? Sometimes we can't see past his sunglasses or public image, but there are times when we can see who he really is and truly appreciate him. For a lot of DEARS (I think), he shines down on our worlds and lights up the path ahead of us.
These days when I see the moon, I smile to myself (or I guess, I smile at him). It makes me really happy whenever I see it... kinda dumb, no? ^^''
Anyways, I don't really care who reads this... I just had to get it off my chest and write it down somewhere. ^^
A pic I took from my balcony a few weeks ago. ^_^