My casserole dish with my yummy BBQ chicken exploded in the oven. And then my car battery died and I had to jump it and drive it around for an hour. And then...
Supernatural happily appeared on my DVR!!!! Life is good again!
And these are a few of my favorite things:
1) Smith and Weeson?! ROFLMAO!!!
2) Gotta love those craggy rocky Ohio.
3) Dean and NPR. NPR and Dean.
4) "I used some skills I have to satisfy my curiosity." My new favorite phrase.
5) Super Sam kicking in the door and "Whoa"
6) Ghost! Ghostfacers!!!
7) Wow....a recession ghost. Timely and shit.
8) The fascination with the word "douche" continues. I kinda love them for it.
9) The elevator....I screamed. And scared the shit outta my cats.
10) Father Bob, Mother Ellen and Sister Jo!!! The fiance Madison!? The animal hospital?!?! ROFL
11) "Angel or not, I will stab you in the face." Again...another line for the workplace.
12) And I screwed over my fellow f-listers and forgot to put my above list behind a cut Le sigh... Sorry!!!