Wishlist Meme

Dec 05, 2008 15:11

Though, i fully anticipate no one on my friends list buying me anything, i'm going to do this just so i can remember what i really want.

The Rules
Step One:
Make an LJ post. It can be public or friends only, whatever you’re most comfortable with. The post should contain your list of ten holiday wishes, and these wishes can be anything - from simple and fandom-related (a fan fiction written about your favorite pairing), to medium (a DVD you want), to really extravagant (a brand new laptop or car). Just make sure these are wishes for things you really, truly want.

If you’re wishing for things that must be mailed to you, like a DVD, make sure you include some sort of contact information in your post. This can be your mailing address or your email address, it doesn’t matter which. Just make sure Santa (or one of his elves) can somehow get in touch with you. :)

Also make sure you post some version of these guidelines in your LJ. The main reason for the holiday wish lists is to spread the joy of giving.

Step Two:
Skim through your friends list and see who has posted their own wish lists. Then - and this is the most important part - if you find a wish you can grant, and it’s in your heart to do so, make sure that person’s wish come true. Sometimes a person’s trash is another person’s treasure. If you have a leather jacket you don’t want or a gift certificate you’re never going to use, give it to someone who wants it.

Step Three:
Post this wish list any time after November 1st. Then repost it two weeks before Christmas.

Remember: You don’t need to spend money on these wishes to make them come true. Only spend money if you want to. The point isn’t to put people out, or to throw yourself into or further into financial debt. The point of this is to provide everyone a chance to be someone’s secret Santa, to show someone what the holiday season is all about. Gifts can be made anonymously or not. It’s all up to you.

The List

1) New Camera Lens: http://vistek.ca/store/CameraLenses/205641/nikon-af-50mm-f18-d-lens.aspx
I know i could go for the 1.4D or 1.2, but really, this is all i need. This is the lens that will simplify using my digital camera and make it so that i can, yet again, take photos i actually like.

2) Pinup girl inspired lingerie. Anything waist-cincher-y, garter belt-y and lacy. I usually take an XL or XXL. Depends on how big the sizes go.

3) New GothGoth boots or shoes. Anything with big platforms or heels, in black. i like heels better. And can't really have anything higher than mid calf. I'd also kill for a big pair of black doc martens. Or... red ones. Boots.

4) Good smelling anything. Body scrubs, body washes, lotion or sprays. Faves include: Coconut (real coconut, not fake tropical-pina-colada coconut), peach (again, real, fuzzy-smelling peaches), ice-creamy vanilla smells and anything that reminds you of cookies.

5) Plaid. Specifically, red plaid. Doesn't really matter what it is, but clothing would probably be a good guess. I just love plaid.

6) A haircut. Done by a professional. Or at least someone who has hair cutting shears and the ability to give me a style that is... styled.

7) Books! Any works of fiction, at all. There's a new odd thomas book out... I'm sort of in a dry spot for novels.


And i'm stuck.
Willl try and come up with three more things... but it's not looking good, cause i've been writing this list for a week.


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