Short Smut Story - First Hunt

Jul 16, 2009 23:00

Story: Midnight City
Author: R.L. Shephard, aka Madame Ruby
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Urban fantasy/horror, slash (guy-on-guy action)

The new fetish club was nothing like what Graham had expected - all the clubs and a good majority of the bars he'd seen in the past were heavily frequented by young adults barely of legal age and dressed up in outrageous goth outfits. Much as he held a distaste for the subculture and its fashions, it was often the only option Graham had. Especially since he was too new of a vampire to have gained a reputation of his own.

But this club was tasteful, with businessmen and women coming and going; filled with people you would never even realize had a vampire fetish in the first place. There was a code, of course, and it was much the same as what Graham had seen in the past. Men wore bold red ties and women wore red scarves, marking themselves as willing prey. Graham adjusted his own rather plain green tie and went up to the bar. It was still a little early for most vampires to be out hunting - still before sunset, which kept at least most of the modern ones out - and he figured it would be better to relax with a glass of wine before going on his first solo hunt.

He gained a few glances, and smiled weakly at a few admirers in return, but nothing really seemed to spark his interest so far. "Well hot damn... Graham Sable? Is that you?" The voice made Graham turn around to locate its owner, who promptly came up and sat down next to him.

It took a few moments for him to realize that he knew the man. The short blond hair and surfer-boy tan were at complete odds with the business suit he wore, but Graham did finally recognize him. "Stephen! I haven't seen you since Christine and I split up. How are you?" he smiled, relaxing a little with an old friend of his ex-wife's. He always liked Stephen, and was willing to open up to any familiar face in a place full of strangers.

"Oh, you know. Trying out new things. This place just opened up... I heard it's a fetish club for businessmen, but I don't see much action going on, if you know what I mean. Got any idea what it's for?"

Graham nodded, a little unwilling to admit that he now ranked as a member of the vampire community, and not just as an investigator for the V.T.P.A., either. "It's a vampire fetish club. The men and women wearing red ties and scarves are donors. Unless they know what they're getting into, they usually leave the vampires alone and let them do the choosing."

Stephen nodded, and Graham could feel his friend's glance at the perfectly normal, non-red tie he was wearing. "I take it you're not interested, huh? Just doing your job like the stuffed shirt Christine always accused you of being..." he meant it as a tease, but it stung.

"I..." Graham paused, an idea forming in his mind. "I'd rather not talk about Christine in public... mind getting one of those private rooms? We can talk in there." For the longest time, Stephen had a crush on Graham, but was repeatedly put off first by Graham's marriage, and then by some nasty rumors about a lack of performance in the bedroom.

With luck, Stephen still had some remnants of that crush, and Graham could use it to his advantage. Sure enough, he could hear Stephen's heart speed up at the invitation. Playing coy and using seduction as a method for gathering prey were skills Graham needed a lot of work at, but he was willing to learn, at the least.

"Yeah, sure." He followed Graham along like a puppy, finally sitting down on a black leather couch tucked away in a secluded room. It was dimly lit, but Graham could see perfectly - Stephen was looking up at him, almost pleading. "Graham... you know, I always liked you..." he murmured, reaching a hand out to touch the redhead's thigh.

"I know, Stephen." Graham swatted away the hand reaching out for him, taking a deep breath before sitting on the couch as well. He was still very uncomfortable with the idea of drinking blood from another man, especially with the reactions his body had to the act itself, but better a familiar face that wanted him for that first time than a stranger he might never see again.

Stephen leaned closer, brushing his lips against Graham's. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but he didn't like being moved against, rather than initiating the contact. He wanted to take control, to make sure that Stephen did everything Graham wanted him to. It was strange, because he'd never really felt this way about sexual contact before.

Fingers reached up to yank at what blond hairs they could grab hold of, and Graham forced Stephen to bare his throat before licking a long line up the pulse point. He could smell Stephen's desire, hear the steady rhythm of a human heart speeding up, and by God he wanted to sink his teeth into that precious carotid artery right then and there.

But doing that without any restraint would be fatal, and if there was one thing that was enough to reign in Graham's bloodlust, it was the thought of all the damn paperwork he'd have to do after the fact. He settled for a small bite, just enough to have his fangs graze Stephen's neck. As sharp as they were, that little action could draw blood.

And that blood sang to him. The sharp tang, even in such small amounts, assaulted his sense of smell. Graham closed his lips over the tiny scratches and suckled at the skin to try and get every last drop that he could before it stopped bleeding. It was a pitiful amount, but too much of a tease. Graham pulled away unsatisfied, and looked down at his prey.

Stephen had his eyes closed for just a few split seconds, head tilted back with his throat bared and mouth slightly open. Graham wanted so hard to deny that he was in any way attracted to men and was only using Stephen to sate his appetite, but between the look he saw now and the signs his body was trying to wave in his face, it was getting harder to truly believe that.

Heartbeats thudded all too loudly in Graham's ears. His own, sluggish and calm, and Stephen's racing much faster in sharp contrast. He ripped open Stephen's shirt, resting his forehead against the now-bare chest. The heartbeat there was strong, the blood underneath would be rich and fresh... Graham forced himself away, trying to think of something besides the scent and taste of blood.

What his mind settled on wasn't much better. Stephen regained his senses a little bit and started pulling his pants down, drawing attention to Graham's own desire for sex as well as blood. Stephen pushed him back, and pulled him into a kiss to prevent any protests. "Stephen," he murmured, pushing the other man slightly away. "Stephen, I need to tell you something."

"Can it wait?" Stephen's hands were working at his pants, pulling them all the way off to be discarded on the other side of the room. Graham closed his eyes as Stephen straddled him, biting his own tongue to keep from doing something stupid - like moaning.

"No, it can't. Stephen, I'm..." Graham was cut off when Stephen pulled his erection free and started stroking it. He bit his tongue again, hard enough to draw blood - but instead of keeping him from moaning, the taste prompted him to do it louder. "Stephen, stop."

"You want this as much as I do, Graham..." Graham felt fingers run through his curly red hair, and a too-hot hand still on his erection. He wouldn't deny that he wanted it to happen, but he didn't want to hurt a friend in the process.

"Stephen," he moaned, closing his eyes. They would do this on his terms, or not at all. "Stephen, get yourself prepared." There was the slight tone of a compulsion in his voice, willing his prey to do as he said. Hopefully, it was small enough that no one but him would notice it.

He felt a quick, rough squeeze to his groin, and then Stephen pulled away. Graham was left panting and hard, cracking one eye open to sneak a look at his prey. Carefully, not wanting to draw too much attention back to himself, he took off his charcoal-gray jacket and the dark green tie, tossing them over the side of the couch. His glasses he put in a hard case, tossing it to the floor.

Stephen became a hazy blur, and it forced Graham to use his other senses. He heard the already fast heartbeat going faster and the slick sounds of Stephen's fingers, could smell the lightly-scented lubricant and desire that hung thick in the room. After a few moments, Stephen came closer, straddling him and hugging him loosely.

Graham lifted the body on top of him, lining himself up with Stephen's entrance. "Graham..." He ignored the slight whine, the tensing that accompanied the pressure, and pulled Stephen down further. He was gentle, but wasn't about to let his prey get away right now, when he was so close.

"Ah, God, that feels good," he murmured, nuzzling Stephen's chest. He hadn't had sex that wasn't under some sort of dubious consent since the divorce, and being inside a man was a different sort of experience. Not at all unpleasant, either. He bit lightly at Stephen's collarbone, licking up the trickles of blood.

Stephen resisted when Graham started thrusting up, not entirely ready, but hands wouldn't let go of his hips. He was prey, after all, and should learn his place. Graham moaned again, his fingers digging harder into Stephen's hips, lifting him easily only to pull him down with more force, grinding them both together.

It didn't take too long before Stephen adjusted to the rhythm and went along with it, panting and moaning far louder than his partner was. Graham licked his lips, burying his face into Stephen's collarbone again and biting down hard. Blood flowed more freely, more uncontrolled than his previous experiences. But he didn't think he'd hit any major arteries - the taste would be different if he had.

Graham licked up errant streams of blood where he could, trying to catch most of it at the source wound. He'd never be able to drink his fill from a single willing donor. He felt Stephen staring down at him, but he'd already stopped caring - he just wanted to quench his thirst and have his way with Stephen's body.

The wound was already starting to close up, hurried on by the virus in his saliva. Graham kept licking at the bloodstains on Stephen's chest, thrusting harder into the moaning body above him. "Oh God, Graham. Harder..."

"I don't want to hurt you," Graham held tighter onto Stephen's hips, moaning louder than he really wanted when muscles flexed around him.

"I'll tell you if you hurt me, Graham." Stephen trusted him. Even after being bitten and seeing his own blood smeared over Graham's face, he still trusted him. It was a small gesture, but it meant more than Stephen realized.

Graham paused, shushing the blond and making him stay still. He could feel his erection twitching inside Stephen, waiting for release, but he closed his eyes and willed himself to keep from moving for just a moment longer. "I'm not sure of my own strength. Tell me if I'm hurting you, Stephen."

When Stephen nodded, Graham took a deep breath and pushed him onto his back, holding his knees up in the air as he thrust in harder. Stephen yelled, arching his back and curling his toes, and all Graham could do was let out a steady groan. His erection twitched, and he finally let go - all his restraints - he didn't want anything to do with them for just a few brief moments.

Graham allowed himself to moan as loudly as he really wanted, to stop having sex and just start fucking, and gripped Stephen's thighs possessively. This was his prey, his partner, and like hell he was going to let anyone else have Stephen. He was practically growling when he came, panting and sweating even as Stephen shook below him, waiting for his own release.

"God damn, Graham..." Stephen moaned, looking up at him weakly. "Think you'd mind finishing me off?"

He didn't answer for a moment, still trying to process his lapse of perfect control. "Yeah. Sure..." he smiled, licking his lips and ducking down to take Stephen into his mouth. The last time he'd had a blowjob of his own was back in high school, but he at least remembered what he liked. Hopefully, Stephen would like much the same sorts of things.

Graham sucked, wrapping one hand around the base and gently - teasingly - stroked. He drew the actions out, waiting for Stephen to do something more before he went further than that. After a minute or two of agonizingly slow treatment, fingers reached into Graham's hair and tightened their grip.

He took that as a cue, pulling as much of Stephen's erection into his mouth as he could. Above him, he could hear Stephen breathing erratically, and felt warm flesh twitching on his tongue. Graham pulled back a little, waiting for his prey to come. He knew, from reading various reports, that swallowing might help ease his thirst the tiniest bit. Not as much as blood, but at this point he really didn't care all that much.

Warm, salty fluid filled his mouth, and Graham swallowed it eagerly. He waited just a moment before pulling back, licking his lips and tasting a small bit of blood he hadn't consumed as well as the come he'd just swallowed. "Wow. Fuck what Christine says. You can do that to me anytime you want, Graham."

"I'll keep that in mind. Go home and get cleaned up... don't come here for a month, just to be safe. It'll give you some time to replenish your blood." Graham spoke in his usual calm and businesslike tone, but he smiled a little to take the sting out of his words. "See you in a month?"

"Yeah. See you in a month, Graham."

graham, slash, vampire, original, smut, fantasy, midnight city

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