Apparently, the court decision they're trying to make this fly with is PNSPA vs Sequim. However, based on the closing of the decision, I'd be rather surprised if this can work in a court, as there is a big difference between what conditions a municipality can put upon the use of public facilities or property for a private event and the general-purpose public use of a public facility or property. This could be especially interesting given that the Supreme Court of the United States is soon going to hand down a decision of the handgun ban in Washington DC. I suspect that the most likely outcome of that decision is that while governments may place "reasonable" restrictions on the owning, possession or use of certain types of firearms (which I don't agree with, more on that in a bit), such as banning automatic weapons or anti-tank rockets, the 2nd Amendment prevents such broad outlawing or restrictions of weapons that have a commonly recognized civilian use
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There isn't a chance in hell that it will fly in court. We just need someone to challenge it. It's more of Krispy-Kreme Nickels half-backed bullshit. I honestly do not understand why he keeps getting elected.
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