according to their rules 'virtous heathens' got to the first level of hell... which is all told, quite plesent, nice guarden, big ol castle, and people like socraties and pythogarus to chat with.
Yeah, I don't think I've ever known anyone who would actually make it to Heaven. Even the Christians I know are as flawed (or more) as everyone else - I don't see how believing in Jesus (who was a pirate, incidentally) automatically gets you off the hook for living your life like a shit but still going to heaven.
christian man evolved into goerge bush, also a monkey; so did jesus set human evolution down a path which would eventually lead to the destruction of the world at the hands of a zoo attraction... scary
Comments 7
according to their rules 'virtous heathens' got to the first level of hell... which is all told, quite plesent, nice guarden, big ol castle, and people like socraties and pythogarus to chat with.
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