Title: Disappear
rin_no_himitsuRating: T+
Genre: Mystery, Tragedy
Summary: When Roni's friend Leslie gets arrested for a crime he insists he didn't commit, she decides to investigate.
A/N: Final chapter! Thank you for following Roni to the end of her adventure! Enjoy~
I woke up early the next morning. I washed up, got dressed, ate breakfast and then walked to Cristoff’s house without really being awake.
I felt like a robot.
Almost mechanically, I knocked on the door. It swung open, revealing a dishevelled Cristoff. His hair was messy, his clothes were dirty, and he had dark circles under his eyes.
I wonder if he was thinking the same thing about me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did.
“Ready to go?” he asked half-heartedly.
I nodded, and he stepped out, closing the door behind him. I followed him down the porch steps, into the
city, and soon, the suburbs.
At first I didn’t know where we were going, but then the area became familiar. It gave me a nostalgic feeling...
I gasped, realizing where we were heading.
“Our old treehouse!”
Cristoff turned around and nodded.
“Leslie!” I shouted as we reached the wooden structure.
A head poked out, looking no better than Cristoff or me. Its eyes widened in surprise, a glimmer of hope visible.
“Roni! Cristoff! You guys came!”
“Of course we did! We’re best friends, right?” I smiled.
Cristoff and I climbed up the rope ladder. For a minute, we all stood in silence. I was just glad we were all together again.
“So you were hiding out here all this time?” I asked.
“Yeah... Cristoff helped me get out of jail. I owe him so much for that!”
He turned to Cristoff, who didn’t look as happy as he should have. Something was off. Warning bells went off in my head. But before I could do anything...
“I’m sorry, Leslie.”
Cristoff pulled out a gun.
Where did he get that? When did he get that?
Leslie looked terrified, confused and angry at the same time. He opened his mouth to protest.
“What the-”
Cristoff opened fire, silencing Leslie in the middle of his sentence.
My eyes met his - a predator and his prey.
“I’m sorry, Roni. I have to end it all.”
He gave me a bittersweet smile.
An excerpt from the Doug Smith Case File:
Cristoff DuPont and Roni White disappeared soon after Leslie Davidson, the lead suspect, vanished. We believe that they planned this murder together from the start, though our suspicions have never been confirmed. The trio has never been found.