Tsuki really kills by brain. STOP GIVING ME SUCH GOOD IDEAS! Next thing you know, you're going to want me to draw them playing shuffleboard.
AND DON'T EVEN! I forgot what shuffleboard looks like.
Doesn't he make a lovely little geisha taichou? I figured he would make sure his kimono was in order, unlike Renji. Though Renji looked like he was about to be smexed, so that's always nice.
I <3 OC4, but wow I can't draw clothes~
Ok, have to type my paper and get dressed. blaaaah, clothes. I love my brother for saving me from walking home. I think I'll buy him a cake, or a piece of cake, or... something. Gym socks? He'd probably be happy with one of those fakey chemistry sets.
Bleach has completely taken over my mind. Really need to make a layout. Though I still do so love RiffxCain.