Gawd, now I know chugging a frappuccino at 1 am is definitely not a good thing.
Mint mocha, no less- that shit is nasty.
So I did that this morning, fell asleep while studying, woke up again and after I felt like I was done studying for the night, and then I couldn't go back to sleep.
Until 7 am, of course.
I woke up at 8:30 to study some more.
I was really nervous for the essay portion of Jerk's final because I had no idea how he'll grade them.
Heck, we were getting our term papers back today after it!
I had a headache throughout the whole thing, even though the multiple choice wasn't that bad.
And the essays... hoo boy.
I felt like throwing up after it all, and it was fuck cold in that room.
I got an A on Jerk's term paper, alright! Apparently, that's a 95.
Whatever, it was good enough to pull my grade from an 82 to an 88.
Means I have a shot for an A in the class if by any chance I score a 93 or higher on the final.
Loooooooongshot, that is.
Oi... Illustration left. C'mon, baby, you can do it!
p/s: Lawler's grade for my final is currently "!".
I almost had a heart attack bc I was thinking if that meant he caught me plagiarizing or something.