Very shortly I will be 25 years old.
I live in a small city near the coast of North Carolina, in the US. It's about 30 minutes away from the beach, which I love despite the fact that I suck at swimming and bodyboarding, two things I've always wanted to be good at but never quite got the hang of.
I am an Elementary Ed major, for lack of a more logical career path at this point.
I've worked at a low-end retailer you are unlikely to have heard of for the past 5 years or so.
I have a husband, two ferrets, a dog, and a corn snake. I aquired them in that order. I'll have been married for three years this June. My husband is also a full-time student and a USMC veteran at the whopping age of nearly 26.
I have truly awful taste in music. I love corny songs. I constantly have earworms of the worst songs imaginable.
I probably like more country than anything, which makes little sense since I'm a New Yorker, born and raised. I moved to the swamps when I was 17 and haven't left aside from the occasional trip home or elsewhere. I have great ambitions to travel around someday when I have the money.
I love my car. It's a doofy, clunky blue '98 New Beetle, but it suits my personality perfectly.
I love horses. And horse racing. Don't ask me about either if you expect me to shut up at any immediate point afterward.
I really love movies. My husband and I watch a LOT of them together, from just about every genre, including traditional animation and a bit of anime. I especially love zombie movies, but I hate gross-out, lowest-common-denominator humor. My favorite actors are Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, and Natalie Portman.
I don't watch much TV unless it's on DVD already, in which case I'd say my favorites, in order, would be Futurama, Scrubs, and True Blood.
I read a lot, too. I'll read almost anything, but I like books about nature, horses, historical fiction, and young adult novels. Trash like Twilight and Harry Potter. I know way too much about both to not be considered nerdy. I'm also into fandom enough to write fanfic.
I'm shy when I first meet people, but once I'm comfortable, I can be rather obnoxious, unfortunately. It's still something I'm working on.
I've been on Livejournal since my 15th birthday, in 2001. I've used various names and rename tokens, but basically the two previous volumes are friends-locked under
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