Tutorial (#2)

Sep 16, 2007 21:51

Made using PSP9. Uses Lens Distortion effect in PSP9.

Please play around with the settings of each layer. Color variations of your base will determine the best settings. :) Works best with scenes, not people.

Difficulty: Easy-Medium

1) Open up your base - resize to 100x100, sharpen if necessary

2) Duplicate your base and set to Soft Light
3) New Layer --> 171853 (or similar navy blue) --> Set to Exclusion --> Opacity 36 (or to your liking)
4) New Layer --> #ce8c8c --> Burn --> Opacity 72
5) Create new image @ 100 x 100 pixels
6) Flood fill with #f2f799
7) Go to Effects --> Distortion Effects --> Lens Distortion 
- Center offset = 0 for both horizontal & vertical
- Distortion type = Pincushion (play around with the types)
- Strength = 23 (again, play around with the setting)
- Edge Mode = Color = #000000 (black)
8) Copy image and create a New Layer on your base --> Set to burn

9) Set THIS texture by
kekoah to Screen at opacity 60
10) Set THIS texture by
kekoah to Screen at opacity 58

The following are examples. Please note, they all have different opacity settings for the color (step 3 & 4) settings.


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