Fanfic: Various Drabbles (Arashi)

Aug 01, 2008 06:55

Title: Space Between Breaths
Author: Rinny
Pairing: None
Rating: G
Word Count: 239 
Disclaimer: I don't own. Don't Sue.
Notes: There are places and people in the world without explaination.

He's going to fly away at any moment. The air is too light around Nino, as though he'll just float away and they might never see him again.

It happens in this prefecture. There are reports of people, those touched with mischief and youth and a sparkle in their eyes, who go missing in the space between breaths.

Aiba wanted to investigate, Jun still eager to please, Ohno and Sho along because where one of Arashi went, so did the rest.

And Nino came with a spark in his eyes and lightness in his step.

There’s a sea of green, blue skies stretching above and islands of flowers covering the hill.

It's the closest to heaven on earth anyone has ever known.

Aiba laughs and Jun chases him. Ohno twines red flowers into a crown and places it on Sho's head.

Nino is quiet and contemplative.

As close to heaven...

The air is light and the sun grows brighter. The spaces around Nino shimmer and Ohno blinks, trying to rid the aberration.


There's no answer and Nino turns his face up to the sky.

"Nino?" Ohno's voice shakes as Nino's skin pales. "Sho-kun!"

There's a bright figure across the field, a mirage, and Ohno wraps an arm around Nino and he doesn't feel there.

"What?" Sho breathes in disbelief and holds Nino tight, protective..."What?"


Nino's feels unsubstantial, his skin aglow beneath their hands but nothing there.


Title: Oh, Such Ohno
Author: Rinny
Pairing: None, maybe Sho/Ohno/Nino?
Rating: G
Word Count: 241 
Disclaimer: I don't own. Don't Sue.
Notes: Sho notices something is changing. Ohno doesn't.

Sho loves his bandmates. All of them. Always. There's a sense of connection and just enough competition that they push each other to do their best.

It's as perfect a recipe as Johnny has ever concocted, Sho thinks,

There's only the rare flare of honest jealousy, but lately, for Sho, it's coming more and more frequent.

He's able to pin it down to Nino. Or rather, Nino and his arm rest, who most frequently these days takes the shape of leader.

They're a close group and skinship has never been a problem between the four of them. But as far as Sho can remember, they've been pretty much equal opportunity, grabbing whose ever closest and alternately hugging, cuddling or molesting.

But Nino is hogging Ohno.

And Ohno's not protesting.

And damn it, Sho doesn't like it.

So lately now, when he gets the chance and there's a rare space between Ohno and Nino, Sho edges his way in. A hand held, or a shoulder touched, or - when he's luckiest - a lap to rest in.

"Comfortable, isn't he?" Nino whispers amidst a photo shoot, after they break for lunch.

"Unexpectedly so," Sho blurts out of shock that he'd been caught out.

Nino smiles and there's a flash of challenge. "He's calming."

"Restful," Sho responds.

When they get called back to set, Ohno blinks in surprise at the mad rush to sit on his either side.

"Oh," he blinks owlishly. "Hi."

Title: Proof Positive
Author: Rinny
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 363
Disclaimer: I don't own. Don't Sue.
Notes: Ohno has... abs?


Sho moved up beside Aiba to video screen that showed the results of the photo shoot on the other side of the partition.


"Eh?" Jun was tugging his own shirt back into place and shouldered between the two. "Damn."

Nino appeared, wrapping an arm around both Jun and Sho's shoulders, a Cheshire grin on his face as he examined the photos.

His jovial expression melted to stunned disbelief, "Damn."

Aiba tilted his head, "Ohno has... abs?"

"Are we sure someone didn't just replace Ohno's body with this one?"

"When does he have time to go to the gym?" Jun breathed. "That's... that's...That's not human."

"Those are real muscles, aren't they?" Aiba poked at the screen, as though he could test their authenticity.

"Damn," Nino breathed again.

"It's like..." Sho tilted his head, "It's not really Ohno. That face and that body don't go together."

"Ohno can't focus long enough to remember how to get to the gym, let alone use it." Jun pouted.

"Damn." Nino said again.

The director called cut and Arashi dispersed before they could get caught and retreated to the break room.

Fifteen minutes later, Ohno had returned and was promptly accosted by Aiba and Nino. "Nanda?!" He felt Aiba push him down on the couch and grab his hands, pinning them over his head as Nino straddled his waist. "Oi! Hey, stop that!"

"Sorry, Oh-chan... it has to be done."

"The latest for A no Arashi," Aiba flashed him a grin like stripping his bandmate was perfectly normal.

"MatsuJun! Help!" Ohno appealed, but Jun just folded his arms across his chest as Nino pushed Ohno's shirt up.

"Do the pants too, we wont be able to see it all otherwise."

"Sho-kun?" Ohno bucked when Nino undid the clasp of his pants.

He shook his head regretfully, "It's your own fault, Leader. You should know better than to keep things from us."

"What---what things?" He yelped as his pants were tugged downward.

"Muscle-y things," Aiba explained.

Nino sat back on his heels when the only thing covering the expanse of Ohno's torso was the thin material of his boxers, left clinging low to his hip bones.


Title: Like I Mean It
Author: Rinny
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: G
Word Count: 181
Disclaimer: I don't own. Don't Sue.
Notes: A place and a moment.

The air is chilly. Ice blowing in the wind.

Blowing through the ends of his hair.

Winter in Japan is not a pleasant thing, his least favorite season.

This time will be different.

Sweaters and jackets and scarves and thick, thick socks. His don't match.

Hope bubbles and his heart pounds. This time?

Flowers seem out of place in the cold.

But he is out of place in Ohno.

His fingers are numb, gripping the stems and he forgot to remove the thorns and the prick joins the tingle in his fingertips.

Say it. Please, say it.

A growth spurt, this fall, and he doesn't want to be left behind. Ever.

It'll be different. This time.

Their eyes match. Limpid and dark. Mysterious and always, always readable. He's proud that they match. Nature knew before they did.

Say it.

Flowers. A warm hand over a cold one. Matching eyes with matching hope.

"You and me?"

The words tumble blindly into the cold, freezing and falling to clatter on the cement.

Say it, please, please say it.

"You and me. For always."

Title: Of Soba, Turtles and Snowboards
Author: Rinny
Pairing: Sho/Nino
Rating: G
Word Count: 203
Disclaimer: I don't own. Don't Sue.
Notes: Sho needs a plan. Aiba has one. Sho doesn't need Aiba's type of plan.

Nino has a crush on Sho.

He told the other boy and Sho was rather flaily and Nino smiled, blushing and waved him off.

"I just thought you should know. That's all."

And then he ran to Ohno, crawled in his lap and let Ohno pet him for the next three hours.

Sho pretended not to care/notice/feel.

And Jun and Aiba watched it all with a mix of amusement, compassion and a little bit of jealousy.

Love confessions were supposed to screw up working relationships, or so Sho thought. But the next day, everything was normal. Exceedingly and boringly normal.

Life went on and Nino blushed more frequently and Sho just kept thinking that Nino was really kind of great.

Eventually, he thought that maybe he'd need to steal him away from Ohno. For this, he asked Aiba's advice.

There were intricate plans, shenanigans and plots that revolved around soba, a turtle and a snow board.

Sho decided he didn't really need Aiba's advice.

He eventually did it his way. And found Ohno alone, "I think I have to steal Nino away from you."

"Oh?" Ohno didn't break his concentration from his sketch book. "But why? You've always had him to begin with."

ohmiya, fanfic, arashi, gen, sho/nino

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