Title: Illicit Author: Rinny Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce Pairing: Bando/Nobuta Word Count: 1279 Rating: NC-17, for girly-porn. Disclaimer: I don't own. But if I did, there would be a lot more gay in Japan.
I offer my hand in marriage, my firstborn, my sixteen-year-old stuffed tiger... ANYTHING.
This is just so beautiful, starting out shadowy and uncertain, and ending on the perfect note. I'm in awe. Thank you so much for your response, gaaaaah. ♥
this fic exists. i feel like i've been waiting two years for this. i love the gradual progression of bando's acceptance, along with nobuta's calm demeanor as she just takes whatever bando will give her.
also, the shuuji/akira. SO CUTE. that entire section where they called nobuta was classic.
i realize i'm a little late to the party here but yay anyway? seriously, you have no idea how happy i am that this fic exists.
I didn't even write it until months after finishing the show. But that whole episode that revolved around Bando.. I just kept thinking, "OMGSHELOVESHER!"
Comments 11
OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. This is just....ajkdld;jdk so good and hot and it just twists my heart and your Nobuta is so Nobuta.
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥, right back at ya!
one tiny edit:
He’s not her boyfriend. Or maybe he is. Could he be? Did he think he was?”
random stray "
Really hot Nobuta femslash, at that. :D Your Nobuta voice is perfect. And Bando is just as amazing.
I offer my hand in marriage, my firstborn, my sixteen-year-old stuffed tiger... ANYTHING.
This is just so beautiful, starting out shadowy and uncertain, and ending on the perfect note. I'm in awe. Thank you so much for your response, gaaaaah. ♥
I'll take it. ;)
I'm glad you liked. I was so giddy someone else had even thought about this pairing, let alone wanted fic too! It just had to happen.
I had such a hard time with the end! I'm glad it worked out so well!
also, the shuuji/akira. SO CUTE. that entire section where they called nobuta was classic.
i realize i'm a little late to the party here but yay anyway? seriously, you have no idea how happy i am that this fic exists.
I didn't even write it until months after finishing the show. But that whole episode that revolved around Bando.. I just kept thinking, "OMGSHELOVESHER!"
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