im getting so fucking annoyed. leave the god damn nets alone. call me a traditionalist but i think oddly shaped ones are fucking retarded...or maybe its because thats not the problem
fuck yea, those nets are ridiculous. i dont mind the blue ice, its easier on the eyes but come on, a upwardly curving crossbar? you gotta be kidding me. just shrink the goalie's pads, get rid of the red line, open up the game's passing and skating and then you'll see more scoring. a bigger net is stupid.
especially when you see ryan? miller playing in front of one and his head is below the crossbar...basically showing that if you shoot high you will either score or injure a goalie just like for the rest, theodore said it best "its bullshit" hes been playing goal since the age of 7 and now they want to change the shape of what hes perfected himself at blocking? besides that, goalies fron nll (lacrose) had the goals made larger by 4 inches on all sides. they said it did not lead to an incread in scoring because once they ajusted, there was no difference to them. also, would it not void all the records? jaques lemaire was on record the other day saying to get rid of clutching and grabbing as well. obviously but it should start with him and his horrific d-first team that clutches everyone. i agree with buccigross that if one player gets more then 3 or 4 penalties a game, toss them. that would cut down on the hooking slashing holding etc. take out the red. do tag up offsides. shoot out in OT (juba went to a bing game last
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