David Wenham und Sean Astin mussten ihre Teilnahme an der Con aufgrund anderer Projekte leider absagen. Dafür wird Billy Boyd am Sonntag ein Panel halten und Autogramme geben!
I just realised that we still had last year's RingCon icon up. So I quickly made a new one. I know, it's not exactly creative...uhm, it's not even pretty. However I thought this is better than forever "ruling the planet 2004"-style. ;) Anyone who has a better idea for an icon is invited to submit it here. =)
Es wurde wieder ein neuer Gast angekündigt! John Noble soll zur RingCon kommen. Marc B. Lee schreibt hierzu: I found out that John was in Orlando doing a convention so I called him. I spent a nice breakfast this morning with him
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