sleeping drugs

Aug 19, 2016 16:36

i've discovered that home-made kefir (made from milk) = a powerfull sleeping drug. if you drink like, a full glass all at once, you'll NEED to go sleep. apparently this is normal because it's full of something-or-other and is a natural tranquilizer. not only that, i feel like my eye muscles are getting "more elastic".

normally if i look towards my peripheral vision, as in "anywhere that's not directly in front of me", my eyes feel really "strained" and they hurt. as if they're not made to look there (that's why i never use my peripheral vision, i guess). i was raised to believe that this was normal and it probably came from that i had eye surgery soon after i was born. if i eat a lot of coconut oil (like 4+ tablespoons) in one day this feeling completely disappears, but it also completely returns the next day.

now i've been making kefir for 1-2 weeks, and have had it raw maybe 3-4 times (not tons at once: the most uncooked kefir i've had in one day 1 glass). and i think it's POSSIBLY fixing this peripheral vision of mine, because it actually feels like the eye movement is getting more "elastic", and hurting slightly less too. having coconut oil is kind of like making it "loose" or "smooth". but of course, i don't know if it's a permanent change and will improve 'til my eyes are normal, or if it's just in my head, or whatever.

anyway, kefir improves your gut bacteria, which is what determines things like how well you can break down food and use nutrients. the more nutrients you have, generally speaking, the healthier you are (in both mood and body). i already knew that lack of nutrients makes you irritable and nervous, and causes most diseases, physical disorders and even many mental disorders, basically most health problems known to modern man come from either YOUR bad diet or your PARENTS' bad diet, but then i read that there are real studies on "the more fermented foods you eat, the less social anxiety you have". social anxiety, the problem that seemingly everyone has these days.

kefir is one of cheapest, best, quickest and easiest fermented foods you can make at home. you pay like $5 for some "kefir grains", then never have to buy them again - and the other ingredient is just milk (or any other liquid with some kind of natural sugar in it), which is pretty cheap. the grains multiply, so you can even sell extras later and earn your money back. i really recommend you try it.

with yoghurt, the good bacteria from it is washed out of your body, but with kefir the bacteria stays in you. so, home-made yoghurt (or certain other fermented foods) might temporarily relieve your symptoms of whatever problem you have, but kefir over a period of time might permanently cure them (at least, until you wipe out all your gut bacteria by taking antibiotics or something). and, storebought products are pasteurized. home-made kefir is 50x healthier than storebought, said one blog. (a lot of scientists get into fermented foods.)

when reading, i found random forum threads wih people saying home-made kefir cured all KINDS of stuff in them. really specific/weird diseases that i'd never heard of, and people who had tons of different problems, as well as people without special problems who just had the normal "IBS, acne, dry skin, yeast infections" sorts of things.

obviously it's not the "kefir", in all cases except where stuff like the endorphine-and-tranquilizing effect is what's helping them. it's usually just the tons of nutrients that you were lacking because you're malnourished, and that you suddenly have good gut bacteria again (which most people these days don't even have from birth!). apparently, the average modern person has 10% good bacteria, when you're supposed to have 90%.

me personally, i've noticed that my skin has gotten softer and less dry. "soft as a baby's bottom" as they say. your gut health improves the health of every organ in your body, and i noticed the skin deal but forgot that skin is also an organ, until i read it on some blog somewhere.

i tried hard to find people who said that kefir made them feel worse. (since it eats up the lactose, even lactose-intolerant people can eat it). but everyone who complained, were either 1. not eating real kefir (they were using powder packets, or pasteurized storebought kefir), or 2. all their problems were actually coming from the rest of their diet, it's just that the kefir cleaned their body up to the point where it "woke up" and realized it was having a problem.

stuff like "brain fog" comes from white flour and sugar. a ton of americans are for some reason eating "water kefir" (water + white sugar + kefir grains), which is still poison because of the sugar. it ends up being less potent poison than the original table sugar, but still poison. or they're drinking a ton of "milk kefir" every day and forgetting that it IS a natural tranquilizer.

when they stopped eating kefir, all the bad foods they were eating also re-destroyed their gut bacteria again, so they lost their body's warning signal again - but their original sicknesses didn't come back, because they had been actually eradicated earlier (I guess - the people complaining about kefir harming them weren't the brightest and didn't tend to post follow-ups).

what kills good gut bacteria? i lost the list, but here's the ones i remember:

- coffee, alcohol(?), junk food (=McDonald's)
- chlorine (it exists in some people's tap water, and is, i think i read, used to bleach some white flour in the US)
- chemotherapy, antibiotics (apparently this is the worst medicine you could EVER take in regards to your gut because all the bacteria, both good and bad, get totally destroyed.)

if you search, you find tons of conflicting info about if coffee helps or harms. but coffee is usually just another processed food, and all processed foods seem to harm. otherwise, "junk food" would be a lot more specific.

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