He wasn't sure what attracted him to this member. They were three girls, five guys and being the leader he had made it his goal to get to all of them to an at least somewhat friends level in the next two weeks. He started with the guys, which was easy enough though, he felt he had a long way to go with getting to know some of them. The girls were different, Misako he knew he was either going to butt heads with a lot, or give her her way, but she and him got along really well. Chiaki and him would probably just remain on the kind of friends level for a very long time, due to opposite personalities and like. But Yukari, she warmed up to him right away and him to her. She was funny, sweet, helpful. He loved her motivation and determination. He loved her smile, her voice, her hair, how she moved and dance and sang. He loved everything that made her her. As they worked more to debut and even after he grew closer and closer falling harder and harder for her. Sometimes he'd get the hope she liked him back. Returned smiles and friendly gestures cute nicknames. Texts, calls, nights out. She called him her Best friend, and he was ok with it. Better then nothing at all. Then that week came, without a notice from her, a warning, talking, nothing and he was the leader.
She announced she'd be leaving the band to the group during practice. Different emotions shifted through the group, shock, nothing at all, indifference. And for Naoya, confusion and heartbreak. The girl of his dreams and object of his love, was leaving with a simple good bye and thank you. He ignored her for as long as he could, and gave her a small hug good bye wondering if she felt as bad as he did. If she ever considered there friendship and his feelings for her, or if she even knew.
After being dismissed that evening Yukari's farewell still on his mind, he doubted he'd forget it. His phone buzzed loudly in his pocket. Flipping it open he smiled softly.
'Just because I left, doesn’t mean it has to end'