2023 Book/reading meme

Dec 30, 2023 00:06

Grabbed this from zvezda.

My books post is here: https://ringsandcoffee.livejournal.com/139540.html (2023 at the end, of course)
The questions...
The first book you read in 2023:
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

The last book you finished in 2023:
Artemis - Andy Weir

The first book you will finish (or did finish!) in 2024:
Hillbilly Elegy - J.D. Vance. I've started it but won't finish unless I spent the whole day reading on Sunday (have plans tomorrow).

How many books read in 2023?

Fiction/Non-Fiction ratio?
6 fiction/22 non-fiction

Male/Female authors?
15 male, 13 female

Most books read by one author this year?
All books had different authors.

Favourite books read?
Jane Eyre is my favorite book in general. Other than that, Home Made by Liz Hauck, and Eat a Peach by David Chang.

Least favourite?
Mill Town by Kerri Arsenault. I liked the memoir/non-fiction part of it, but I didn't like how she wrote. Weird sentence structure and frequently odd word choices.

Most disappointing book/Book you wished you loved more than you did?
The Bonesetter's Daughter by Amy Tan. It wasn't bad, but she repeats patterns in her books.

Best series you discovered in 2023?
No series read.

Other new series for me this year
same as above

Favourite new author you discovered this year?
Most books I read were memoirs or non-fiction. Four fiction authors are ones whose other books I've read. So, process of elimination is Anthony Doerr I guess. As a complete coincidence, my mom gave me another of his books that she finished (Cloud Cuckoo Land).

Other new authors
All are new except Anthony Bourdain, Jasper Fforde, Amy Tan, Katarina Bivald, Charlotte Bronte, Allie Brosh, and Andy Weir

Oldest book read?
Jane Eyre

The Wind at My Back - Misty Copeland

Longest book title?
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions - Randall Munroe

Shortest title?
Me - Elton John

How many rereads?
This year or in general? Jane Eyre was a reread, but I do that every few years.

Any in translation?

How many of this year’s books were from the library?

Book that most changed my perspective:
Oh man, so many. American Baby taught me so much about the dark side of adoption. The Deeper the Roots showed me a whole lot about Stockton, a city I grew up an hour from. Code Girls was a glimpse into WWII I had no idea about.

Favourite character:
Probably still the broken mess of a man, Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre.

Most memorable character:
Not a character, but Elton John. What a life he's lived (and lived to tell about it).

Favourite scene:
From World's Worst Assistant, the part about Sona's missing mug.

Favourite quote:
None I can remember.

Most inspirational in terms of own writing?
Wind at My Back - Misty Copeland

How many you’d actually read again?
Probably only Jane Eyre

A book that you never want to read again:
I don't tend to reread books in general.

Book you recommended most to others in 2023?
The Hospital, The Hate U Give, Home Made, American Baby, The Deeper the Roots

The book series you read the most volumes of in 2023:

The genre you read the most in 2023:

Your favourite “classic” you read in 2023:
Jane Eyre

Most surprising (in a good way) book of the year?
Nothing really stands out, but maybe Eat a Peach.

The hardest book you read in 2023 (topic or writing style):
Mill Town, and The Big Over Easy (a bunch of made up names, and references I didn't know)

The funniest book you read in 2023:
World's Worst Assistant

The saddest book you read in 2023:
American Baby, Home Made

The shortest book you read in 2023:
Now I am Known - 224 pages

The longest book that you read in 2023:
All the Light We Cannot See - 560 pages

Best book that was outside your comfort zone/a new genre for you?
I stuck to my usuals.

Most thrilling, unputdownable book of 2023?
Not so much thrilling, but unputdownable was The Deeper the Roots or Home Made.

Most beautifully written book in 2023?
Home Made

Book you most anticipated in 2023?
The Hate U Give, World's Worst Assistant

Favourite cover of a book you read in 2023?
I don't remember most of the covers.

Book that had the greatest impact on you this year?
Home Made, The Deeper the Roots

Book you can’t believe you waited till 2023 to finally read?
None. This year is when I decided to really tackle the list on my phone, trying to buy and read ones on the list before adding new ones. I then read them in the order I bought them, with the exception of All the Light We Cannot See. That got moved up when I saw the trailer for the Netflix adaptation.

Book that had a scene that left you reeling and dying to talk to someone about it?
Home Made, The Deeper the Roots

Looking Ahead:

One book you didn’t read this year that will be your #1 priority in 2024?
I already started Hillbilly Elegy, and already love it.

New book you are most anticipating for 2024?
Looking over at my TBR shelf: Don't Think, Dear; Africatown; Who Gets Believed?


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