santa squee :D

Jan 21, 2021 22:54

I came home on this impromptu visit to a surprise package - it was labeled and packaged so professionally that I was like?? Did I forget I ordered something online???? But turns out no - just my santa sephystabbity doing a stellar job at being a santa! :D

But seriously - look at how professionally everything was packed! And honestly, the fact that you put the cookie cutter into the free spaces like inside the washi tape made unpacking it even more fun! I think I found everything though :D

Unwrapped and taped, I was left with a variety of lovely items. Category one: stationary/work stuff. You'd think it's a prejudice that teachers run out of red ink pens, but grading two exams already killed one of mine, so this supply will definitely find its use :') The tiny stamps are SUPER cute!! and so is the cat café themed washi tape and the Oz sticky notes :3 Those will go into private usage, too good for studens :D

Category 2: Baking! I already mentioned it was fun hunting down the tiny cookie cutters, and they are super adorable. I think they might be perfectly suited to make cake decorations from marzipan :3c  Cat cake.... the possibilites.... Silikon muffin molds are always welcome, I make Kay's banana muffins by the dozen and always have some frozen for emergencies. AND LOOK ON ME YEAST YE MIGHTY AND DESPAIR. I can now join the hipster sourdough baker crowd! In between that and the bread recipe I got from my dear letter santa, I am now READY for any more quarantines they might throw at me. I shan't run out of bread at least! (At yeast?)

Category 3: Food and drink. I have yet to try the tea, I shall do that tomorrow to help me not fall asleep in my 11th grade online class :'D The chocolate did not survive the time it took me until I finally finished the post.... but it was very delicious. Seeing the French on Ritter Sport for some reason cracked me up, and since we only get knock-off Reese here, it was a welcome treat :D

Category 4: The cutest mask and very pleasant smelling hand lotion! I'm sure masks will remain a staple of attire for teaching for a while (and I hope once vaccination is underway we can switch back to the cloth ones because I hate the FFP2 ones with passion), and now with this one I can actually colour coordinate with the one pink shirt I own :D My hands look just a bit awful currently due to stress, so I'm always grateful for new hand lotion. And the letter was its own cute surprise - I've never seen something printed like that! Thank you so much, it was my honour being your santa and you more than repaid the favour <3

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