Title: Alpha Group
Pairing: Aizenichi
#01 - Comfort
There wasn’t much warmth to offer in the desert of Hueco Mundo or in the stone walls of Las Noches but they were aware of what power closeness had.
#02 - Kiss
When he heard his nakama gasp and dropped their swords his stomach sank, maybe he was just to naïve to think the he wouldn’t be used.
#03 - Soft
It was a challenge, Sousuke thought as he dragged the well worn bristles of his calligraphy brush down his lovers chest, to paint on an encouraging canvas.
#04 - Pain
For all the effort they put into seeming harmless, sex involved more blood then Sousuke had shed in a good decade.
#05 - Potatoes
Watching the substitute go grocery shopping wasn’t stalking during a time of war- it was tactics.
#06 - Rain
It was unbelievable and stupid, but Ichigo didn’t worry about the rain when he was with Aizen, if the God to be couldn’t control it, it wouldn’t exist.
#07 - Chocolate
Sousuke was disgruntled to find out that his hair didn’t taste like chocolate, or that might have been the method of tasting that he was bothered with.
#08 - Happiness
If Ichigo had been born just a century or two sooner their lives could have been so filled that the Hyougyoku wouldn’t be a blimp on either of their radars.
#09 - Telephone
His heart started pounding when he heard Aizen’s voice laughing in his phone- he could swear Shinji heard him too.
#10 - Ears
Tousan relied on sound to guide him but if the boy’s sudden importance had a real answer he didn’t want to hear it.
#11 - Name
Three months, one week, and five days was all the time it took to get the boy to call him Sousuke and he only blamed the Seireitei for that one.
#12 - Sensual
Ichigo felt his face flame up when the Lord of Las Noches made subtle comments that truly meant nothing sinister, unless they had been underneath him the night before.
#13 - Death
Sousuke smiled widely and wiped the human blood off of his sword- the shinigami might have had his lover in life, but his soul was already claimed.
#14 - Sex
Their first time together had more clauses then the trickiest of contracts given that neither of them could afford people to know they could, in fact, channel affection into a single person.
#15 - Touch
That hint of hollow reiatsu that creeps out and dyes his eyes just remind Sousuke of how utterly perfect Ichigo was.
#16 - Weakness
The handcuffs burned his skin, and Ichigo almost felt sorry for the poor bastard- he should have just owned up that he was allergic to metal.
#17 - Tears
Sousuke stared blankly at the tiny dark haired thing with his eyes, crying, and screaming at him for getting her brother killed.
#18 - Speed
“NO I am getting this damn thing to work, no shunpu, no soindo, just something normal,” and Sousuke just watch the emerging teen to man try to get the car to start.
#19 - Wind
He had seen him first, standing on the sokyouku daring anybody to come and knock him off it should be said that no one there had the ability to join him either.
#20 - Freedom
In three worlds there have been few people that have been able to really resist Ichigo’s charms- Sousuke wasn’t one of them.
#21 - Life
Isshin didn’t know what to do when his only son literally threw his life away and run into the arms of the evilest person to have ever existed.
#22 - Jealousy
Sousuke knows that he ego trips but the jealous looks from the female nakama to a few of his own Espada from how he can get Ichigo’s attention without even trying is enough to last him weeks.
#23 - Hands
He just loved it when Sousuke’s hand grabbed him and abandoned all the restrain he had shown throughout the day.
#24 - Taste
It was deep rich and memorizing, but he was glad none of the other Espada were able to get close enough to their lord or else they’d crave his reiastu’s taste as well.
#25 - Devotion
When Ichigo is given the spot of 5th division captain, everybody asked him to help fix Momo Hinamori and they pretended, that her hair as just slightly darker and that his strong shoulders were somebody else’s.
#26 - Forever
Too many absolutes in his life had been taken away from him, and that’s why when Shunsui slices through Aizen, its Ichigo that slaughters through the Seireitei’s finest men and women for the second time.
#27 - Blood
When the battle was all said and done, Isshin wondered why the man who killed his son had spared him and then he looks to the throne of their new king and sees his son tending to the bastard’s wounds with a little girl clinging to his leg.
#28 - Sickness
It burned him and strung when he propositioned Kenpachi, he needed proof that it wasn’t Aizen he wanted that it was his strength, his reiatsu, and it was terminal when Kenpachi was found lacking.
#29 - Melody
“Ya know, Captain Aizen, you’ve been sayin my name a lot lately, but it’s an Ichi of a different tone that you want, doncha?”
#30 - Star
He could move the stars for no one but he made sure the Princess’ wasn’t any near as glorious as it should be while she was here.
#31 - Home
It broke him inside a little when the images of family and comfort were of kicks and home cooking but blank walls and hollow masks.
#32 - Confusion
It was Ulquiorra that stopped Yourichi’s finishing blow against Ichigo, Grimmjow who stopped the rest of the shinigami from coming, Neliel fixing him and his many wounds, and Gin Ichimaru who killed the one who told but no one could understand why this Vizard was being saved.
#33 - Fear
The Captain Commander felt fear for the first time in many centuries when the execution debacle came to a head and the men who were its main actors didn’t give anyone else that passing glance- it was already down to just them.
#34 - Lightning/Thunder
Ichigo’s oral fixation had given them both plenty of trouble before, but when done right his mouth made his whole world thunder and quake and release was like lightning, built up and no where to go but down.
#35 - Bonds
It is a sad day when people finally realize that they need Ichigo in their life to make it better and that they’ve already lost him, the people of Karakura have already done it and now the halls of Las Noches welcomes him with open arms and fanatical obsession.
#36 - Market
Sousuke smirked as they dragged the badly beaten body of Kurosaki out of his palace, they had indeed “saved” him but the Hyougyoku placed within him clearly made him a nonperishable good.
#37 - Technology
Of all wonders, Ichigo wanted to know how on earth Aizen was using the internet and why he was being a complete troll in his blog.
#38 - Gift
“Ichigo why have you made me watch this car commercial over and over again, all the woman does is hand her…husband…the…key…the hell?”
#39 - Smile
They don’t take emotions on the offhand, but he knows that Ichigo doesn’t always smile when he’s happy, its when he’s ecstatic.
#40 - Innocence
When the Seireitei asks him if the sex was a rape, he was able to say yes, because his innocence and other human traits had been ripped from him unwilling- he wanted at least something to be consensual.
#41 - Completion
It was silly, Ichigo thought, to have a school girl crush on his college professor, but that glint of danger behind the man’s glasses just made him all the more curious.
#42 - Clouds
On the dome of Las Noches he couldn’t see past the blur of his own reiatsu but he remembers the most important thing- Aizen was the only one that approached him.
#43 - Sky
When he grabbed the boy by the back of his coat, there wasn’t any nervous because he had become like them and knew how to fly.
#44 - Heaven
Logically they both knew that there wasn’t a heaven but it still made the King Key all the more valuable.
#45 - Hell
Ichigo know he’s damned no matter what he does, so what’s a little greed and lust compared to the other monsters he’s helped make.
#46 - Sun
After weeks in Hueco Mundo Ichigo can’t help but feel it’s the sun that really fake because everything else had been just so real.
#47 - Moon
After it rained in his inner world the water stayed as puddles, with the unseen moon reflected in them.
#48 - Waves
It was worth getting the ridiculous gigai to see the substitute stutter and try to make sense of the traitor surfing on the same beach he was celebrating his summer vacation.
#49 - Hair
Sousuke could always tell when Kurosaki was around his arrancar, because even with the unnatural colors they had nothing looked like the short orange mane on the boy.
#50 - Supernova
It was blinding to see the reiatsu and energy come off from the legendry Sousuke Aizen and Ichigo Kurosaki’s fight- but Sousuke had never been happier that they never really have been able to see what was really there.