hello there LJ, long time no see. *____*
*drools at my own friend list page* ZOMG. and here i am in the school library, supposed to be doing my projects, but really, who can resist so much goodness? XDD i really need to catch up with a lot of stuff. *_*
oh, and
Tenipuri bromide cards, travel series = TEH CUTE. *___* ♥♥♥ i wanna be the koala too
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Comments 13
Cute Fuji and Ootori you draw there 8B *kidnaps*
...whaaat? You can't access LJ at your home? T_T; Darn, browser these days is getting weird >o<; I hope you can access LJ later u_u;
GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR PROJECT! You can do it~! /*^*/
thank you~ ♥ and beware of their possessive seme XD
...sadly, yup... T___T i really dunno what's wrong... and amen to that.
THANK YOU~ *3* i need that badly.
I hope your Lj problem gets resolved soon. My browser acts up when I visit some sites too. ;_;
Btw, the drawing is very cute~Glomps*
it's acting back to normal for now, so hopefully it won't act up anymore in the future. :)
thanks!! ♥ :DDD
*hugs* Good luck for your project!! And I hope your browser will heal soon.. *gives your home internet lots of porn cookies* 8DDD
EH? Rions ada y!gal juga?? bagi dong alamatnyaa *o*
thank you~ i need that badly. 8DD my browser is back to normal for now, so i hope it won't act up anymore. >___>;;
umm ada tapi alamatnya aja udah lupa. ^^; soalnya dari dulu ga bisa log-in sama sekali (selalu ditendang keluar), jadi udah ga dipake. ^^;; *cuman numpang lewat liat2 gambar* DX
OMG your icon!! ♥♥♥
I don't use IE but is someone blocking your IP to access LJ or something? Maybe that's why.. I have no idea though. I hope you get to fixed soon. Blocking LJ is ridiculous >_>
umm, i don't really understand too. @___@ it's fine now, though this blocking happens randomly now and then. ~____~; oh well, at least it's not blocking it the whole day like last time. :D thanks!
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